12th Constitutional Convention of the State of “New California” Next Weekend – Joe Hoft Guest Speaker
The 12th Constitutional Convention is next weekend in Irvine, California. President Trump is invited. Joe Hoft Guest Speaker.

The 12th Constitutional Convention is next weekend in Irvine, California.  President Trump is invited.  Joe Hoft Guest Speaker.

As Californians saw the far-left communists take over their state, they realized that their best way forward was to carve out a new state.  This effort is based on the West Virginia model from the Civil War period.

New California State refers to the rural areas of California becoming New California.  Currently, California is run by Democrats, with 40 of 52 Democrat Representatives in the US House and yet at least half of California’s population is conservative.  Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, and other Democrat leaders do not represent the good conservatives in California.  The New California movement plans to change this.

Like courageous West Virginia citizens during the Civil War, a majority of the people in California do not agree with the direction the communist Democrats have taken the state.  These conservatives have lost their right to representation.  They don’t agree with communist Democrats and they have had enough.  They choose to create a new state – the State of New California.

The State of New California is holding its 12th Constitutional Convention in Irvine next weekend. 

Tickets can be purchased here.

(Note that President Trump will be in the Irvine area and has been invited to this event.)

Joe Hoft is the Guest Speaker.

Time & Location
Sep 29, 3:00 PM – Sep 30, 10:30 PM
SONESTRA HOTEL, 17941 Von Karman Ave, Irvine, CA 92614, USA

About The Event
DATE SEPTEMBER 29-30, 2023

Following the January 15, 2018 New California State Declaration of Independence, the July 21, 2018 1st Constitutional Convention at Harris Ranch, the October 5-6 2nd Constitutional Convention in Irvine, the 3rd Constitutional Convention, January 26, 2019 in Roseville, the 4th Constitutional Convention in Fresno, the 5th Constitutional Convention in Orange County October 25-26, 2019 and then delegates of the New California State movement came together for the 6th Constitutional Convention in San Luis Obispo to construct the New California State Constitution and pass critical legislation to create New California State.

New Californians will return for the 12th Constitutional Convention on September, 29-30, 2023 for one of the most important and historic State Constitutional Conventions since the 1861 Wheeling, Virginia Constitutional Convention to create the state of West Virginia.

Following the the 2020 elections New California State is now the epicenter of saving the Union.  The United States is not a banana republic like you find across the world in third world communist countries. We are a Republic…….and We the People are Going to Keep It!

Our past line up of special guest speakers includes Advisor to President Trump Tana Goertz, Fox New Reporter Lara LoganCongressional Candidates Chris Bish (CA 6) and Mike Cargile (CA 3).  Additional past guest speakers who were previous Keynote speakers include Attorney Sidney Powell, (8th Constitutional Convention), Candace Owens and Dinesh D’Souza (7th Constitutional Convention) and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (5th Constitutional Convention).

Paul Preston who is behind this effort to create New California recently shared his efforts on The Joe Hoft Show on TNTRadio.live.

Paul Preston on The Joe Hoft Show – 15 September 2023 – The New California Movement and Upcoming 12th Constitutional Convention

Be there at the 12th Constitutional Convention of New California.

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