J6 Political Prisoner – Young Father, and Former College Football Player Mason Courson Sends Update to The Gateway Pundit After His Harsh and Abusive Prison Sentence
Mason Courson went to Washington D.C.

Mason Courson went to Washington D.C. on Jan 6, 2021, to stand and listen to his President speak, with no ill intent. Unfortunately, the 27-year-old, who was born and raised in South Florida, found himself in a situation he never imagined.

Mason excelled both academically and in athletics, including playing college football. Loves reading and history. Mason is proud of his Cuban roots and immigrant maternal grandparents who were honored to become US Citizens.

Masonwas was held without bond by the Biden administration.  He  is unable to support his 3-year-old son that he had 15 days a month before he was arrested.

Mason pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with an officer.

In June, District Judge Rudolph Contreras sentenced Mason Courson to 57 months in prison, 3 years probation, and a $2,000 fine for the felony charge of “assaulting, resisting, or impeding a law enforcement officer with a dangerous weapon.”

This is tyranny.

** Please donate to Mason Courson’s GiveSendGo account here.

His mother Angie shared at the time, “I just wish people understood that even the transcripts they’re reading in court are not a hundred percent factual…They do not show the guilt. I think a lot of people just turn a blind eye. It just sounds better to say, ‘Oh, he was guilty of this and that was that, and they had a video’, and they don’t go any further. And it’s a shame because it’s not just these J6 cases. I’m positive this extends a lot further.”

Mason recently wrote The Gateway Pundit readers to share an update.

Mason Courson with his mother.

Dear Gateway Pundit Family,

What an incredible journey this has been. I say “incredible” because this whole experience so far has been something I could have never imagined. After almost 2 years in,  I still have about 2 more years to go. Thankfully, I am finally at a facility that I will stay at until I am released. From the diesel therapy transfer movement in the beginning that brought me to the “living hell” of Northern Neck Regional Jail, where I spent about a year of my life at, deteriorating physically, and mentally, the place where I almost lost my sanity. To fortunately being moved to USP Lewisburg, where I was for about half a year, waiting to be sentenced. Then, to the “DC Gulag”, as the people like to call it. I had heard about the Gulag prior. I was told it was way worse before I arrived there, but still considering what I witnessed, the place was a freaking hotel compared to the other facilities I had been to before that, especially Northern Neck Regional.

I was sentenced in late June, and received 57 months and 3 years of probation following. I was neither surprised, disappointed, nor content with the outcome. I did feel relief though, I had an end date now, the suffering would be over on a specific day, although I should not be here in the first place. I waited in DC until weeks after my sentencing. Finally, the typical temperature check came and I knew I would be on my way to prison the next day. There I could do my time and be around regular inmates and get home. My first stop was at FCI Petersburg in Virginia. There, I didn’t even have real toilet paper, they gave us these little square tissues that were never enough to properly clean myself, imagine that. I had to shower after every time I used the bathroom. There was a shower in the cell that had terrible drainage so the cell would flood every time the water was turned on. I was stuck in the cell 24 hours a day, for 11 days straight. When I heard my name called to be moved, I felt God bless me in that moment. Oh, I can’t forget to add, every time you are transferred in the federal system, they shackle your hands and feet, and its very painful, the bus is designed to be impossible to get comfortable. From Virginia I was now on my way to the next stop which was USP Atlanta. There I wasn’t given a towel or a change of clothes for 2 days after arriving. The guards had no care for human life whatsoever. By the grace of God, I left after only a few days.

** Please donate to Mason Courson’s GiveSendGo account here.

The best part of all of the movement was when I stepped off the bus, in Florida at FCC Coleman Low. The familiar Florida heat and humidity slapped me in the face. I laughed out loud “Glad to be back in Florida.” I actually arrived here on my son’s birthday which is August 10. I felt like it was all in Gods plan. This facility is a Low Security Institution, basically like a camp. This is not real prison at all compared to what I have endured. There are no cells here, so there are no lockdowns. A cafeteria for the 3 meals a day. A huge yard with tons of calisthenics, cardio equipment, a basketball court, soccer, and baseball fields. Ping pong and pool tables too. All kinds of musical instrument rooms, art rooms, leatherworking rooms, and movie rooms. A giant library, CDL, and other classes. There are new programs nonstop. A chapel for all religious needs. There have only been 2 fights here in the past 5 years. I believe my time here is going to be a breeze compared to the time I have done, and for anyone planning on coming to Coleman Low, just know that it is pretty sweet comparatively and you will be relieved in many ways.

I wanted to share that I was glad to meet a few of the dozens of good men, during the time I was in DC. Along this journey I have met a small few that are my brothers and we will be family for life.  But, like in an group of people, there are challenges. There is gossiping, and drama.. But for me, this is the worst thing that has happened to me, in my entire life, and for the majority of the good men I have met, it is the worst thing that has happened to them as well. Our lives have been ruined and destroyed and we have to build from the ground up now.

This whole experience has really worn me out emotionally. I have developed PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I have to deal with it every day now. I am constantly worrying about how life will be when I am out. If I will be able to financially provide for my son and myself on my own. The way the economy is falling apart and inflation making the cost of living astronomical. It’s going to be a challenge. A part of me knows that everything will be completely fine and God has everything set in stone for me already, but being down so long has impacted my optimism. Although I do have plans on starting new businesses, instead of going back to my old one. I want to collaborate and partner with some of my new brothers, and help some of the good men that are still locked up for J6. I know that I will forever be on a terrorist red flag watch list which will make it difficult to do anything attached to government, mega corps, or credit. As much as I fear and dread the rough road ahead of me, I am ready to take it on. When I am released, the reunion with my family and friends will be a motivator for me and uplift my spirits. Until then, I visualize my new life outside of prison, and give thanks to God for my strength, resilience, and safety.

God bless you and God bless America.

** Please donate to Mason Courson’s GiveSendGo account here.

The post J6 Political Prisoner – Young Father, and Former College Football Player Mason Courson Sends Update to The Gateway Pundit After His Harsh and Abusive Prison Sentence appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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