JUST IN: Controversial Arizona Attorney General Convenes Grand Jury to Harass and Subpoena Cochise County Supervisor
Cochise County Supervisor Tom Crosby is the latest conservative to be hit with a subpoena and a grand jury investigation for fighting for free, fair, and honest elections. In an October 13 cover letter from Assistant Attorney General Todd Lawson, Crosby is informed of his right to remain silent “if a truthful answer to the question would tend to incriminate you.” Further, if Crosby fails to appear, the letter threatens a warrant for his arrest.

Cochise County Supervisor Tom Crosby is the latest conservative to be hit with a subpoena and a grand jury investigation for fighting for free, fair, and honest elections. 

In an October 13 cover letter from Assistant Attorney General Todd Lawson, Crosby is informed of his right to remain silent “if a truthful answer to the question would tend to incriminate you.” Further, if Crosby fails to appear, the letter threatens a warrant for his arrest.

This is the latest act of lawfare by the corrupt AG against Crosby and Cochise County.

As The Gateway Pundit reported in April, Kris Mayes filed a lawsuit against Cochise County, alleging that Cochise County entered an illegal contract. The dispute arose over a mutual agreement between the Cochise County Board of Supervisors and the County Recorder, which gave the Recorder authority to administer elections. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Thomas Fink shot down this attempt to target election officials who refuse to accept fraudulent elections.

Previously, illegitimate Governor Katie Hobbs sued Cochise County for not certifying her stolen election–where 60% of machines failed on election day–last November in Maricopa County after operating without a glitch prior to election day. Republican Cochise County Chairwoman Peggy Judd later voted to certify the election in Cochise under duress with Democrat Ann English. However, Tom Crosby, the third vote, refused to attend the coerced and corrupt certification meeting. Crosby is also the only County Supervisor in Arizona who courageously did not vote to certify the rigged 2020 election.

Crosby is a target because he defies Arizona’s election fraud regime. Attorney General Kris Mayes, after stealing her election by 280 votes, the closest race in state history, is leaving no room for so-called “election deniers.”

Supervisor Crosby provided the following statement to The Gateway Pundit:

I didn’t certify the recent jail tax election because of equal protection and due process issues of the election.  I voted against County elections department involvement with two all mail in ballot elections in 2 different special districts, again for equal protection concerns.

Here’s the last part of my campaign pamphlet, which I’ve passed out a couple thousand of:

  • I personally put up warning signs around town about the 2012 City Electric Tax ballot issue, because the ballot language and early ballot information “omitted the truth” about the 100% tax increase
  • I personally investigated ballot comingling of City and County ballots when City Staff and the former County Attorney refused to truly investigate the matter
  • I personally put up warning signs about the 2010 Water District Ballot issue which would have allowed a water “User Fee” pass through tax to consumers, and exportation of the area’s water.

With this record, I believe the reasonable person would conclude that I have always supported  and fought for voting integrity.

Herald-Review reports,

SIERRA VISTA – Cochise County Supervisor Tom Crosby has been notified by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office that he is “considered a person under investigation” by the Arizona State Grand Jury and is being subpoenaed to appear before an inquest of that body next month in Phoenix.

According to a copy of the Oct. 16 subpoena obtained by the Herald/Review, Crosby has been ordered to appear before the State Grand Jury at 1 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Maricopa County Superior Court.

“There you are to testify and give evidence in all such matters and things as may be there inquired of you. And there you are to remain until released by the State Grand Jury,” the subpoena states.

The subpoena further states if Crosby does not appear as ordered, “a warrant will be issued for your arrest.” The subpoena is in the name of Terry Thomas Crosby, the supervisor’s legal name, and uses the county’s administrative office address on Melody Lane in Bisbee.

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on this developing story.

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