“Nancy Pelosi At Least Stuck Around” – Matt Gaetz Responds to Kevin McCarthy’s End of Year Resignation Leaving Republicans With a One Seat Majority (VIDEO)
Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Wednesday reacted to news that former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (RINO-CA) will retire and leave Washington at the end of 2023 before his term expires.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Wednesday reacted to news that former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (RINO-CA) will retire and leave Washington at the end of 2023 before his term expires.

“This is not an act of patriotism or moving on to the next fight. It is an act of abject selfishness,” Gaetz said of McCarthy’s decision to leave the House before the end of his term. “If he cannot run the place and be Speaker, then he will leave.”

Gaetz added, “Nancy Pelosi, for all her flaws, and there are many, at least stuck around. She didn’t hurt her team by saying, well, if I can’t be the quarterback, I’m just gonna take the ball and go home.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on McCarthy’s Wednesday announcement that he will leave Congress after he was ousted as House Speaker in October by a 216-210 vote. Matt Gaetz filed the Motion to Vacate the Chair, and eight brave MAGA conservatives voted to remove McCarthy after his failure to honor the promises to Republicans that got him elected Speaker in January.

BREAKING: Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Announces Retirement at End of Year

As it stands now, Republicans barely have a majority in the House following the expulsion of George Santos by 105 RINOs.

Santos was the most conservative freshman member of Congress. He needed to be dealt with. There were rumors that Kevin McCarthy led the efforts to remove Santos and make it easier for Democrats to continue to destroy the country.

A couple of weeks ago, McCarthy further suggested that Gaetz could be targeted next, saying “he could have the same problem as Santos has.” In his last act as a member of Congress, it seems that McCarthy may seek revenge against Republicans for removing him from the Speaker’s chair.

McCarthy’s resignation will “imperil our ability to get the job done,” said Gaetz, noting that Republicans could be left with a one-seat majority once McCarthy and Bill Johnson (R-OH) go.

If McCarthy and the RINOs target another Republican, they may lose the majority.

Watch below:

Gaetz: You’ll remember back in January, Kevin McCarthy said, “It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish,” and it appears he is indeed finished. This announcement from Speaker McCarthy coming the day after his top Lieutenant, Patrick McHenry, announced his retirement from the Congress. The key difference is that McHenry seems to be indicating a willingness to serve out the entire term that his voters elected him to. Kevin McCarthy, in turn, saying if he cannot run the place and be Speaker, then he will leave. So, there is an establishment exodus from the United States Republican Conference, and it’s my hope that we backfill these establishment, lobbyist-drawn entities with folks who are willing to fight for the America First agenda, to reduce wars, to get out of these bad trade deals, and to stop the illegal immigration that is overrunning our country.

And we have to provide a check on the Biden administration that continues to spend us into oblivion, into more debt, and to defang this weaponized government that’s been turned against our fellow Americans. Kevin McCarthy was not useful in that fight. In many ways, he inhibited it, and now he is leaving. But there is a very real math problem that we are confronted with for this departure. For all of the self-congratulatory videos that Kevin McCarthy may make, him leaving—his unwillingness to stay and vote for even the most basic of Republican priorities—may imperil our ability to get the job done. So, here’s the math: We have a four-seat majority that we were elected to. Errantly, foolishly in violation of precedent, and due process, we made the decision to expel George Santos. Now, most Republicans in the conference voted against expelling Santos but enough voted with the errant ethics committee that he is now gone. That takes four down to three. Now McCarthy is saying he’s leaving at the end of the year; takes us down to two. And then Bill Johnson, the Republican from Ohio, has indicated that he is taking the University Presidency at Youngstown State; that will leave us with a one seat majority. I Sure hope everyone eats their veggies stays healthy over the break, otherwise, this thing could tip the balance to the Democrats.

Now there has been some commentary on social media that I am to blame, that it’s my fault that Kevin McCarthy is quitting and leaving early. I don’t know anyone else who would just say, well, if I can’t run the place, I’m gonna leave. Nancy Pelosi, for all her flaws, and there are many, at least stuck around. She didn’t hurt her team by saying, well, if I can’t be the quarterback, I’m just gonna take the ball and go home. That seems to be what we’re getting from Kevin McCarthy. This is not an act of patriotism or moving on to the next fight. It is an act of abject selfishness, and it is revealing that if Kevin McCarthy can’t swing the gavel and be in charge and make the decisions, he’s not willing to be a team player. For all the criticism I’ve received about not being a team player, I’m here, I’m doing the work, I’m taking votes. And the Republican establishment might not like how I vote all the time, but I’m not facilitating a path to hand power to the Democrats. That would be more in line with what we see from the former Speaker, who is on his way out the door.

The post “Nancy Pelosi At Least Stuck Around” – Matt Gaetz Responds to Kevin McCarthy’s End of Year Resignation Leaving Republicans With a One Seat Majority (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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