Patriot Mail Project Calls Patriots To Blitz J6 Political Hostages With Letters Of Support For Christmas: ‘Let Them Know They Are Not Forgotten’
Despite record skyrocketing inflation Americans are enduring as Bidenomics wreaks havoc on our financial security while navigating through one manufactured crisis after another, We The People are uniting for secure justice for the January 6 political hostages.

Despite record skyrocketing inflation Americans are enduring as Bidenomics wreaks havoc on our financial security while navigating through one manufactured crisis after another, We The People are uniting for secure justice for the January 6 political hostages.

As J6 defendants get handed prison time that was precedently reserved for murderers and rapists for trespassing, Americans across the country and good people around the world continue to send letters to the political hostages to let them know they are not forgotten.

The Patriot Mail Project, a volunteer initiative that was started to support political prisoners who are being held unjustly, assures the inmates languishing in prison, starved, tortured for crimes they did not commit and barred from communication with the outside world, can see and hear our support. 

The PMP created a website that allows “everybody around the country, and even some from other countries who write to these guys, to have somewhere to go — a central location,” where they can easily find the location of every J6 defendant,” Paula Calloway, founder of the Patriot Mail Project, told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

Even the J6 defendants who are not incarcerated, awaiting trial or served their sentences, need the morale boosts from letters from the public after being branded a “terrorist,” “nazi,” “white supremacist,” and “insurrectionist” by the powers that be.

“Once they get arrested, they’re put in one place, and then they’re moved, and then they’re moved again and again. And it may be a couple of years before they’re at their final destination for the rest of their sentencing. Some people do shorter terms, and then they’re released and then we have people who are at home, who are either awaiting trial, or maybe they’ve already gone to jail, or they’re done with their sentencing.

“Their lives have been turned upside down. They still need that support. They’re getting back on their feet, or they’re going out into public with people looking at them like they’re horrible people, because of the way the mainstream media has portrayed them.”


Calloway initially started the Patriot Mail Project in support of the Bundy Ranch political prisoners, assuring each of the inmates received hundreds of letters weekly. Then, PMP was reactivated in July 2021 for the J6ers. The group regularly maintains records of the inmates’ birthdates, home states and veteran statuses and updates a database of mailing addresses, constantly adding new indicted political prisoners and enabling the world to send words of encouragement to the prisoners.

“When writing to political prisoners, it is essential to be mindful of the language used and to avoid anything that could be interpreted as inflammatory or threatening. Instead, focus on sending messages of support and solidarity,” PMP instructs on its website. “It can be a challenging time for people who are incarcerated, and your kind words can help them to stay positive and feel connected to the outside world.”

Calloway called attention to the truth about non-violent January 6 defendants in verses the lies and smears disseminated by the corporate press.

“It’s political, and it is to fit the narrative that the left wants to paint about Trump supporters. Basically, anybody who loves this country can be viewed as a terrorist. The are families that lost their jobs, or spouses lost their jobs, because of what the media is doing,” she said. “Employers don’t want to take the risk of it hurting their business, which is another thing that’s wrong with this country.

“People don’t have a backbone like they used to. If we stood up like we are supposed to, like we used to, in that spirit of Americans, then we probably wouldn’t have the situation right now. But people have become complacent and they will just fall in line just to get by. I don’t understand it. And I hate it for these guys.

The Department of Justice has “turned thes guys’ lives upside down. I hate to just say ‘guys’ anymore — it’s now women and men.”

Infowars host Owen Shroyer, perhaps the most high-profile J6 defendant, was locked in solitary confinement for the majority of his 60-day incarceration that will conclude when he is released on Friday.

After enduring his first 10 days of solitary confinement, he recorded a message thanking Americans for uplifting him with letters of support that he said brought him to tears.

“I was able to follow a bit of the news via some talk shows. And we have a TV here that I [can] tune into and an FM dial as well. They have a newscast up as well. And of course, I could sit here and talk about the Biden crime family that we’ve seen and the media that is obsessed with war, propaganda, and all the regular stuff. But that’s not what I want to bring to this message. I’ve just done reading some of the mail that has been sent to me and to try to express how important it is or what it means to me would simply be impossible. I do plan somehow to show you how grateful for that when I do get out of here. But I’ve got to say my shirt has grown. I have to wear a double XL now because my heart has grown so much from your fan mail. And also, I’m now wearing double XL pants because, well, I’ll just leave that up for your interpretation,” he said.

Your mail continues “to uplift me. When I get tired, I get energy. When I’m hungry, I feel I am fed. And its all thanks to your letters. When you write them, you may not think that I read them or they mean much to me. But trust me, I read them and they mean more than you can even imagine,” he continued. “Seriously, every single letter to me, I read every word. Some of them I read twice or three times. I can’t tell you how much they mean to me.”

Shroyer reportedly received over 300 books from supporters and countless letters of encouragement while confined in a 6 by 8-foot cell 23 hours a day.

So-called rehabilitation institutions in the United States systematically increase the rate of suicide, non-violent inmates risk more danger when defending themselves in prison, and are in the business of fostering criminality for profit.

“We have prisons for profit–that’s it,” Calloway admonished. “They’re not designed for the justice — they are designed to keep people coming back or to keep people in there for a lengthy time because that’s where the money’s going.

“If they can save money by treating [the inmates] poorly or not giving them what they need, well, that’s more on their profit, their bottom line. I don’t think we should be profiting off of human beings. I get it, some people have done horrible things and need to pay their debt to society –you have murderers out here and rapists and everything else. There is a need for a system that addresses those issues, but the goal should always be rehabilitation. I don’t think that there’s any sincerity in rehabilitating — it’s all a money-making scheme.”


The post Patriot Mail Project Calls Patriots To Blitz J6 Political Hostages With Letters Of Support For Christmas: ‘Let Them Know They Are Not Forgotten’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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