Voice to Parliament referendum defeated: results at-a-glance
The latest results for the Voice to Parliament Referendum are showing a “no” majority nationally and among the states.
The latest results from The Voice to Parliament Referendum. Jonas Schallenberg, Pexels, CC BY-SA

The referendum has been defeated, with a “no” majority called by the ABC in at least four states.

The Constitution can only be changed if there is a double majority, meaning there must be a national majority of voters across all states and territories and a majority of voters in a majority of the states (at least four of the six states). The Northern Territory and ACT counts are not included in the majority of states, but do contribute to the overall national count.

Use the map below to see how your electoral seat voted.

Read more: Voice to Parliament referendum is defeated after majority of states vote 'no'

The Conversation https://theconversation.com/voice-to-parliament-referendum-defeated-results-at-a-glance-215366



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