White Helmets are back! RT investigates what jihadi-linked Oscar winners are up to
RT’s Saskia Taylor takes a look at the shady activities of a Western-funded NGO accused of false-flag operations in Syria

The self-proclaimed NGO is allegedly working on another false-flag chemical attack in Syria

The White Helmets, a self-proclaimed civil defense group formed a decade ago in Syria at the height of the civil war, is back in the spotlight, after the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service accused it this week of preparing to stage another chemical weapons attack.

RT’s Saskia Taylor looks back at the shady origins of the group, which was generously sponsored by Western governments and lionized by Western press. She explores its unsavory coziness with jihadist forces, and extensive evidence that at least some of its media content was fraudulent.

This is the story of how an Oscar-winning NGO is linked to alleged cover-up of a false-flag operation by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.




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