44 Senators Call on Biden to Reject Two Totalitarian Agreements That Surrender U.S Sovereignty to WHO
This May May 27–June 1, 2024, global elitists and world leaders from across the West will gather in Geneva, Switzerland, for the WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly (WHA).
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Credit: Getty Images)

This May May 27–June 1, 2024, global elitists and world leaders from across the West will gather in Geneva, Switzerland, for the WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly (WHA).

Attendees from all 194 WHO member countries are set to vote on major amendments to the International Health Regulations that would effectively strip all power away from sovereign countries and turn it over to the WHO’s global health board in the event of a pandemic.

If the ratifications are agreed to this month, the WHO will also be granted sole authority over what constitutes a pandemic.

As we have seen over the past years, just about anything qualifies as an ‘existential threat to public health,’ including, but not limited to, misinformation, parents protesting at school boards, free speech, and—of course—racism. The fact that the WHO is on the cusp of unrestricted authority to decide these measures should terrify every American.

What’s more, the changes also include plans for a mandatory and universal vaccine passport system that’s overseen by the WHO. In fact, the globalist organization has already contracted a German-based company, called ‘T-Systems’, to develop the technology.

It can be recalled, “On 1 July 2023, the WHO took up the EU system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network that will develop a system for global verification of health documents to deliver better health for all. The WHO will facilitate this process globally under its own structure with the first use-case being the convergence of digital COVID-19 certificates.”

From the joint WHO and T-Systems announcement:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future. The WHO is setting up a gateway for this purpose. It enables QR codes on electronic vaccination certificates to be checked across national borders.

It is intended to serve as a standard procedure for other vaccinations such as polio or yellow fever after COVID-19. The WHO has selected T-Systems as an industry partner to develop the vaccination validation services.”

Aside from the fact that the WHO is an international, unelected, and unaccountable body with absolutely no concern for individual freedoms, the organization is led by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who repeatedly pushed outright lies and crippling restrictions throughout the China virus pandemic.

Now, 44 Republican senators have sent a strongly worded letter to Joe Biden, urging him to reject two forthcoming international agreements under consideration at the World Health Organization (WHO) that would compromise U.S. sovereignty.

Sen. Ron Johnson wrote on X, “Two international agreements are being considered at this month’s World Health Assembly that surrenders U.S. sovereignty to the WHO. [Biden] should reject them, or at least submit any agreement to the Senate as a treaty. The entire Senate GOP conference has signed onto my letter to Biden demanding just that.”

In their collective statement, the senators criticized the WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it an absolute and predictable failure that caused significant harm to the country. They assert that the United States must demand comprehensive reforms within the WHO before considering any amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or engaging in new treaty negotiations that would extend the organization’s authority.

The letter reads:

“Next month, during the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHA), your administration is expected to commit the United States to two international agreements that would strengthen the World Health Organization’s (WHO) authority to declare public health emergencies of international concern and expand the WHO’s authority over member states during such emergencies. This is unacceptable.

The WHO’s failure during the COVID-19 pandemic was as total as it was predictable and did lasting harm to our country. The United States cannot afford to ignore this latest WHO inability to perform its most basic function and must insist on comprehensive WHO reforms before even considering amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or any new pandemic related treaty that would increase WIIO authority. We are deeply concerned that your administration continues to support these initiatives and strongly urge you to change course.

Article 55 of the IHR requires the text of any IHR amendment to be communicated to member states at least four months before the WHA at which they are to be considered. As the WHO has still not provided final amendment text to member states, we submit that IHR amendments may not be considered at next month’s WHA. Some of the over 300 proposals for amendments made by member states would substantially increase the WHO’s health emergency powers and constitute intolerable infringements upon U.S. sovereignty. As such, it was essential that the WHO abide by the four-month notice period to allow member states time to ensure that no traces of such proposals were included in a final amendment package for consideration by the WHA. Having failed to do so, amendments are not in order.

The WHO’s most recent publicly available draft of its new pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival. Instead of addressing the WHO’s well-documented shortcomings, the treaty focuses on mandated resource and technology transfers, shredding intellectual property rights, infringing free speech, and supercharging the WHO. Moving forward with a new pandemic preparedness and response treaty ignores the fact that we are still unsure of COVID-19’s origins because Beijing continues to block a legitimate independent investigation. We strongly urge you not to join any pandemic related treaty, convention, or agreement being considered at the Seventy-seventh WIIA. Should you ignore this advice, we state in the strongest possible terms that we consider any such agreement to be a treaty requiring the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senate under Article II Section 2 of the Constitution.

In light of the high stakes for our country and our constitutional duty, we call upon you to (1) withdraw your administration’s support for the current IHR amendments and pandemic treaty negotiations, (2) shift your administration’s focus to comprehensive WHO reforms that address its persistent failures without expanding its authority, and (3) should you ignore these calls, submit any pandemic related agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent.”

It is not just US. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a significant demonstration took place in Japan’s Ikebukuro district last month, drawing attention to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty.

The treaty has sparked controversy and fear among citizens, leading to one of the largest protests in recent Japanese history, according to Aussie17, a former Big Pharma employee.

The march began in Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park, where thousands of participants gathered with banners and chants expressing their opposition to the treaty and the WHO’s overreach, Yahoo reported.

Protesters voiced strong opposition to mandatory vaccinations and the potential infringement on Japan’s sovereignty. “We strongly protest against the WHO for forcing people to be vaccinated, ignoring Japan’s sovereignty where vaccines are voluntary,” declared one of the banners leading the march.

Here is the revised draft of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty:

The post 44 Senators Call on Biden to Reject Two Totalitarian Agreements That Surrender U.S Sovereignty to WHO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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