A Black Harvard Professor’s Study Found ‘No Racial Bias’ on Police Shootings – Then ‘ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE’
The political narrative of the US left, when it comes to race, are one of the most ‘sacred cows’ of the western world.

The political narrative of the US left, when it comes to race, are one of the most ‘sacred cows’ of the western world. Hardly anyone dares to counter its assumptions, that are treated like eternal truths.

In comes a black Harvard professor leading a study on race and police brutality. He fully expects the results to match the ‘approved’ party line, showing that Houston police shootings have a clear and unmistakable racial bias.

When the results show nothing of the kind, the professor has to decide whether he is a scholar or a militant.

Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer took the hard road, published his study, and ‘all hell broke loose’. He had to resort to armed security after an avalanche of threats.

In an interview with Bari Weiss, he talked about the terrible experience that took place back in 2016.

Fox News reported:

“The study found that police were more than twice as likely to manhandle, beat or use some other kind of nonfatal force against blacks and Hispanics than against people of other races. However, the data also determined that officers were 23.8 percent less likely to shoot at blacks and 8.5 percent less likely to shoot at Hispanics than they were to shoot at whites.

When Fryer claimed the data showed ‘no racial differences in officer-involved shootings’, he said, ‘all hell broke loose’, and his life was upended.”

It took only FOUR MINUTES after his study was published for the first hate message to arrive: ‘You’re full of shit’, the sender said. A flood of complaints and threats followed.

“Fryer said people quickly “lost their minds” and some of his colleagues refused to believe the results after months of asking him not to print the data. ‘I had colleagues take me to the side and say, ’Don’t publish this. You’ll ruin your career’’, Fryer revealed.”

Fryer said that when the results found no racial bias, he hired eight new assistants and redid the all the study work.

The results came back the same.

“After the report was published, Fryer lived under police protection for over a month. He had a seven-day-old daughter at the time and went shopping for diapers. ‘I was going to the grocery store to get diapers with the armed guard. It was crazy. It was really, truly crazy’, he said.”

A study of this kind in Harvard – of all places – was bound to generate controversy with the ultra-left. Now disgraced Harvard dean Claudine Gay targeted Fryer for his study, using leverage from his alleged behavior against him.

Fryer, the youngest tenured Black professor at Harvard at age 30, was suspended for two years from the university in 2019.

He allegedly engaged in ‘unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature’ – allegations he continues to deny.

“At the time, then-Harvard dean Claudine Gay claimed Fryer’s research and conduct with other employees ‘exhibited a pattern of behavior’ that failed to meet expectations within the community. ‘The totality of these behaviors is a clear violation of institutional norms and a betrayal of the trust’, she said.”

The post A Black Harvard Professor’s Study Found ‘No Racial Bias’ on Police Shootings – Then ‘ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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