A J6 Mother’s Story- How Did it Affect Me?
Marc Anthony Bru was seen on January 6th raising his phone to document the events as they unfolded that day at the US Capitol.
Marc Anthony Bru

Marc Anthony Bru was seen on January 6th raising his phone to document the events as they unfolded that day at the US Capitol.

Marc Bru was found guilty earlier this month for attending a protest and “obstruction of an official proceeding” because he was in attendance at the protest.

The obstruction charge is a felony.  The Biden DOJ also found him guilty of “civil disorder” for attending the protest and five misdemeanors.

Federal agents pulled guns on Marc and his mother when he was arrested.
Marc’s mother wrote to The Gateway Pundit to share her experiences as the mother of a J6 political prisoner.

It was a beautiful sunny day, the kind to jump into the car and go for a ride. I called Marc, my son, and asked him to take me to my storage unit to drop off a few boxes there. We chatted our way there and pulled gingerly into the park.
After he had taken a box in, I waited in the car.

Moments later, he came back to the car and got in when all of a sudden, many local sheriffs and FBI agents came toward us, barking out commands using military tactics on civilians and ordering us to “comply or we will shoot you.”

Marc shouted out, “Don’t shoot us, this is my mom!”

***You can help Marc here.***

It felt like the Clark County, WA sheriff who questioned me was harassing me, trying to coerce an answer that I didn’t have for him before he seemed to turn his attention to something else and left. He came back several times, asking the same questions. I was calm but it felt I was being harassed by the Clark County Sheriff Officer who questioned me.

They searched the car trunk, backseat, my purse, and anything else they could find. No warrant
was shown to me for them to look at my things. Later, 45 minutes or so, I was told I could go, and I was warned, I was being released as a courtesy to return to my apartment. The car I was driving was a salvaged vehicle with a 3-day pass.

(Thank God Marc left his dog with a friend that day.)

Marc’s beloved dog.
***You can help Marc here.***

It was the following day after  he was seen in federal court in Portland, OR. You can look up his name on the web. The MSM built the narrative that he was dangerous. Photos show him walking in the DC Capital looking at the art and building interior. Several comments paint him as a leader in Portland, OR. area as an insurrection leader. This is simply not true. When he was in Portland, OR. it was to protect the backs of law enforcement and maintain safety for women and peaceful protestors.

He was released with an ankle monitor (which remained on over 6+ months). Limited time and schedule for in-home monitoring included a timeline to walk the dog and get his groceries. Much of which was almost impossible to do because of the location.

As a mom, it remains a nightmare, as the Feds also politically assassinated Marc’s character by labeling him a Domestic Terrorist (sovereign citizen), Marc has rebutted the claim several times in local courts around the country, including social media. Refer to his X account and Truth Social to find out how he feels about the Sovereign Citizen movement, which he is not, nor ever was a part of.

Challenges as a J6 mom: Knowing the following, as I’ve heard many others mention, here are a few things I have learned:

Nutrition: Food is far from acceptable. It varies from jail to jail, prison to prison, but often milk is outdated sour, and juice is fermented.

***You can help Marc here.***

Vents: Rarely get cleaned and spew out all kinds of particulate garbage when inhaled, including plastic fibers and who knows what else. Noses are dry, cracked, and often bleed.

Water: Far from clean, often toxic with astringent used with the newer plumbing used in chemical plants to keep pipes clean.

The argument in law, that allows/justifies (wrongly or rightly) the capture of a human being is CARE, custody, and control. Many jails are not competent even to fulfill their own obligations.

There is availability of vitamins in some facilities but a lack of access to them for many results in illness, infection, and weight loss. In general, it is a state of degradation in food and/or any supplements, especially minerals, for essential human health.

Medical appointments: They are often unprofessional, biased, and incompetent treatment solutions. If a grievance is filed, rarely do they get recognition to treat or prevent health issues.

The staff: Some of the staff do a good job and care for the inmates. Many lack proper training and /or are politically fueled. All of the above are essential functions and remedies. In order to deliver detainees in the same condition as when taken into custody. The only conclusion is that this is a vindictive and malicious declaration of war against the public. A moral degradation.

***You can help Marc here.***

The post A J6 Mother’s Story- How Did it Affect Me? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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