After Giving Nearly $2M to Defund the Police, EBay Billionaire Poised to Cash In on Private Security Investments
Never-Trumper Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay, has showered almost $2M on groups that call for defunding the police, including the website
Pierre Omidyar

Never-Trumper Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay, has showered almost $2M on groups that call for defunding the police, including the website

But that hasn’t stopped him from investing in private security start-ups and making money off of individuals and businesses desperate to keep themselves safe.

Independent journalist Lee Fang reports:

In June 2020, in response to protests over the police killing of George Floyd, funds tied to Omidyar’s philanthropic network announced donations of $500,000 to organizations supporting the protest movement.

The Movement for Black Lives, an “abolitionist” coalition of activists seeking to eradicate public policing, was one of the recipients of Omidyar money that year. Disclosures show that the Omidyar Network provided $300,000 to the group.


The website, which provides legislative and communication tools for activists to advocate for cutting police funding, is a collaboration between Omidyar-funded groups. The sponsors of the organization include PolicyLink, which received $700,000 from Omidyar Network and Law for Black Lives, a group that received $600,000 from the Democracy Fund, another Omidyar foundation.

According to Fox News, “At the same time, Omidyar was privately investing in companies capitalizing on the growing demand for security services. Bond, a New York-based company that bills itself as the Uber for bodyguards, listed Omidyar as one of its main investors. Bond referenced ‘civil unrest’ and rising crime in its 2020 marketing materials.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on a report that focused on three billionaires, including Omidyar, with foreign roots that helped finance the 2020 Democrats Dark Money Machine.

The post After Giving Nearly $2M to Defund the Police, EBay Billionaire Poised to Cash In on Private Security Investments appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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