Alan Dershowitz Urges Ordinary Americans to File Lawsuits Against New York for Election Interference and State Official’s Ongoing Attempts to Rig Election by Silencing Trump!
Harvard Law Professor and author Alan Dershowitz joined Sean Hannity on Friday night to discuss New York City DA Alvin Bragg’s latest attempt to gag Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump from speaking about his lawfare show-trial in New York City.
Alan Dershowitz calls on Americans to file lawsuits against the lawless New York officials persecuting Trump.

Harvard Law Professor and author Alan Dershowitz joined Sean Hannity on Friday night to discuss New York City DA Alvin Bragg’s latest attempt to gag Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump from speaking about his lawfare show-trial in New York City.

On Friday Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg filed a complaint to silence President Trump even though the sham lawfare case has already ended.

Bragg cited “ongoing threats” against his office by Trump supporters after his office abused the legal system to convict Trump of bogus crimes that have still not been defined.

This is how the Marxist left works. Get used to it.  Marxists never back down they only plow forward with their wicked drive for absolute power.

On Friday night Alan Dershowitz told the FOX News audience that

Sean Hannity:  Let’s get your take, Professor. I don’t think the Trump legal team has any other options but what they’re doing. Your thoughts?

Alan Dershowitz:  Well, they have to appeal. I have a piece in tonight’s Wall Street Journal in which I urge people like us to file lawsuits against New York. After all, we have the right to hear Donald Trump in the election.

And, this gag order says that Joe Biden can accuse Donald Trump of being a felon, having been convicted by an unfair jury, unfair judge of a non-crime. He has the right to do that. But Donald Trump has one hand tied behind his back because he can’t respond in full. He can’t talk about the judge’s daughter. He can’t talk about the unfairness of the jurors. I guess even the DA is now saying, Well, maybe he can talk about the witnesses.

But the First Amendment applies not only to Donald Trump, the speaker, but to all of us, the viewers and the listeners. We have the right to hear a full and complete debate, not a partial debate in which Trump is restricted about what he can say. So I hope that the gag order will be appealed by Trump’s lawyers. And I hope Amicus Briefs, friend of the Corp, briefs, will be submitted by ordinary people saying, Look, you’re depriving us of our right to hear somebody.

Via Midnight Rider.

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