Amazing! Peter Navarro Takes Stage at RNC After His Release This Morning from Prison to Hero’s Welcome
Former Trump Adviser Peter Navarro was released from prison this morning after 4 months for refusing to testify before Nancy Pelosi’s sham January 6 committee.
Trump adviser Peter Navarro takes the stage at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after his release from prison earlier today.

Former Trump Adviser Peter Navarro was released from prison this morning after 4 months for refusing to testify before Nancy Pelosi’s sham January 6 committee.

Tonight Peter took the stage to thunderous applause at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Republicans gave Peter Navarro a hero’s welcome!

George Behizy wrote: “RNC erupts in thunderous cheers for Peter Navarro the brave patriot who left federal prison this morning. Navarro spent four months in the gulag for refusing to comply with the unconstitutional January 6th committee.”

Peter waved to the crowd as he took the stage.

Peter Navarro waves at the RNC crowd after his release from prison earlier today. (screeen grab – July 17, 2024)

Here’s another view.

The post Amazing! Peter Navarro Takes Stage at RNC After His Release This Morning from Prison to Hero’s Welcome appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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