“An Election Without Transparency Has Zero Reliability” – An Interview with Patrick Byrne on the Mueller Gang and the Stolen 2020 Election
This article originally appeared onJoeHoft.comand was republished with permission.

This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Patrick Byrne has a storied past.  This interview captured a few of his many significant life stories. 

Patrick Byrne found himself the CEO of Overstock.com for two decades and in the middle of the Mueller gang, and in at the White House with President Trump weeks after the stolen 2020 Election occurred.

Many significant stories were shared by Byrne in an article that he currently has pinned at his Twitter account.

Byrne discusses a couple significant events in an interview today.

Byrne started the interview discussing Maria Butina, the Russian woman he met in 2015 who was later indicted by the Mueller gang and sent to prison for 18 months.

With Judge Chutkan all you can say is that Maria Butina was railroaded in the courtroom.  Now you can’t blame the judge for that.  She may not have known that the whole thing was as producer driven as the Spice Girls – I think I said in that interview (found on Twitter above).

That’s not, I don’t think it’s the judge’s job to have, I guess what I am saying is it is possible she was an innocent player in that whole railroad and it was just the DOJ goons who did it but in any case Maria Butina was set up…

Byrne went on to say that everything that Butina did after asking candidate Donald Trump a question in July 2015 was watched by the Deep State.  Byrne was even involved in setting some of it up.

This all led to the bogus Russian-collusion scandal.

I knew what they were creating was what I called a can-o-Russia scandal. It was going to be on the shelf.  Some day when they needed it they were going to pull it off the shelf and shake it up and spray it all over the Republican Party.  I could have told you that at Christmas 2015….

…By September of 2015 I’m confident they were setting up a Russia scandal…

Byrne shared that Butina: “Is not a spy in any conventional sense.”  But she appeared to be doing ‘human terrain mapping’ where she was getting to know people around Washington and the Feds noticed this.  “They never got her for spying, they got her for being an unregistered foreign agent.”

Next, Byrne discussed his actions related to the 2020 Election steal.  He found himself with General Flynn, Attorney Sidney Powell and an assistant of Powell’s in the White House on December 18, 2020.  This meeting is documented in Patrick’s article provided above.

During this meeting there was this discussion on a case for performing an investigation of the results in 6 key counties in 6 key swing states.  This was discussed at some length.  The rationale for the investigation was the election and the ability was per an Executive Order signed by Obama and then by President Trump.

If foreign governments interfere in an election a President can extraordinary things.

This included specific investigations in the key counties and states.  This was prevented from happening after Byrne and Flynn and Powell left the White House.

The US has been teaching elections for 70 years, the first principle is an election without transparency has zero reliability.

Listen to the entire discussion below:

The post “An Election Without Transparency Has Zero Reliability” – An Interview with Patrick Byrne on the Mueller Gang and the Stolen 2020 Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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