ANOTHER BIDEN HUMILIATION: Russian Troops Enter US Base in Niger That Is Hosting Few Remaining US Troops After Ruling Junta Expels US Military from the Country
ANOTHER NATIONAL HUMILIATION – ANOTHER BIDEN FOREIGN POLICY DISASTER In 2021, Joe Biden turned over the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists in September 2021.


Another Biden Humiliation – Niger expels US troops and takes over US bases in the country but Russians are welcome.

In 2021, Joe Biden turned over the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists in September 2021.

Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years in July by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left.

The Taliban quickly took control of Bagram Air Base, which is only 30 miles north of Kabul, on August 15th and released thousands of terrorists held at its prison. The Americans and Afghans left the Taliban military equipment, uniforms, rations and even sports drinks.

The ISIS suicide bomber who murdered 13 US servicemen and women and 169 Afghans was released by the Taliban from the Bagram Base prison in July.

ISIS suicide bomber Abdul Rehman was incarcerated at the Bagram prison for the past four years until he was set free by the Taliban terrorists.

Abdul Rehman then murdered 13 Americans and 173 Afghans in a suicide bombing outside the Kabul Airport.

In April we learned about Joe Biden’s most recent foreign policy disaster.  The situation in Niger could top the Afghanistan withdrawal – if that is even possible.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) totally embarrassed the US Army Secretary and exposed Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy catastrophe during questioning this week in the US House of Representatives’ Armed Services Committee hearing. Gaetz exposed the latest Biden foreign policy failure – this time in Niger, Africa.

US troops are trapped in the country allegedly without water and medicine at the time. The Army was likely hiding this to protect itself from the embarrassment. Deployed Americans were in limbo and unable to do their jobs and the Biden State Department was completely outmaneuvered once again.

Matt Gaetz Embarrasses Army Secretary – Exposes Biden Regime’s Cover-Up in Niger! – Embassy Silent on the Hundreds of US Troops Stuck in Niger Reportedly without Medicine and Water

It now appears the US has a trade offer from the military junta in Niger.  The Russian-backed military junta in Niger will release the 1,000 US soldiers trapped at the US airbase in exchange for the keys to the $100 million  American airbase in the country.

How is it possible that the Biden regime could be so inept?

How is it possible that the US military could be so incompetent?

The US military will leave a $100 million airbase to the military junta.

Aljazeera repported:

In March the country suspended its military agreement with the US. The US military had some 650 personnel working in Niger in December, according to a White House report to Congress. The US military operates a major airbase in the Niger city of Agadez, some 920km (572 miles) from Niamey, using it for manned and unmanned surveillance flights and other operations.

A drone base known as Air Base 201 near Agadez was also built at a cost of more than $100m. Since 2018 the base has been used to target ISIL (ISIS) fighters and Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM), an al-Qaeda affiliate, in the Sahel region.

Niger leaders lead protest against the United States. Biden will evacuate the $100 million airbase in the country.

The Agadez airbase will be evacuated and left available to the Russia-backed military junta!

The reported:

Washington says it has firmed up plans with the West African nation’s military rulers to withdraw its more than 1,000 troops.

The US moved most of its forces based in Niger from Airport 101 near the capital of Niamey to Airport 201 in Agadez in September.

Aljazeera repported:

In March the country suspended its military agreement with the US. The US military had some 650 personnel working in Niger in December, according to a White House report to Congress. The US military operates a major airbase in the Niger city of Agadez, some 920km (572 miles) from Niamey, using it for manned and unmanned surveillance flights and other operations.

A drone base known as Air Base 201 near Agadez was also built at a cost of more than $100m. Since 2018 the base has been used to target ISIL (ISIS) fighters and Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM), an al-Qaeda affiliate, in the Sahel region.

On Thursday news broke that Russian troops have now entered the US airbase in the nation's capital, Niamey.

The Russians will cohabitate with the remaining Americans at the US Airbase 101.

This is another humiliation of US troops by Joe Biden.

Watch - this will be a fleeting story in the mainstream media.

The AP reported:

Russia has moved some troops onto an airbase in Niger where a small number of U.S. forces remain after most American troops left the base in the nation's capital, Niamey, a U.S. official said Thursday.

The arrival of Russian trainers in the West African country about three weeks ago came in the wake of Niger’s decision to order out all U.S. troops. The order dealt a blow to U.S. military operations in the Sahel, a vast region south of the Sahara desert where groups linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group operate.

The Pentagon has said the U.S. troops will depart but has not provided a precise timeline.

When Russian troops arrived last month, it wasn't clear where they were staying. A U.S. official said they are now located on the other side of the Niamey facility, known as Airbase 101, and are not near U.S. forces. The base is by the Diori Hamani International Airport, where other international forces — such as the Germans and Italians — also reside.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss troop movements. It's not clear exactly how many U.S. troops remain at the Niamey base.

The post ANOTHER BIDEN HUMILIATION: Russian Troops Enter US Base in Niger That Is Hosting Few Remaining US Troops After Ruling Junta Expels US Military from the Country appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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