ATTORNEY TOM RENZ: Another American Under Attack for Demanding the Truth
Attorney Tom Renz is standing up for the truth, and as a result, like many others, he’s being attacked.

Attorney Tom Renz is standing up for the truth, and as a result, like many others, he’s being attacked.

In July 2023, Renz writes:

The enemies of freedom are continuing by continuing gain-of-function work and pushing “vaccines” into other products such as food, items applied to the skin, and even aerosolizing them. This is because we have succeeded in waking so many people up to the dangers of the injections that no one is taking them. This also means we MUST double down on our work.

In November 2023, Renz shared:

As the freedom fight continues a lot of our work has moved into lawfare. We are filing and/or supporting strategic litigation, pushing legislation, and working incredibly hard to wake up a sleeping public. It’s working. Uptakes for the new boosters are at around 1.3% and that is a big deal. We also just submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court of the United States regarding a J6 case and are working CBDC legislation, mRNA in food legislation, and election issues in multiple states.

Last week we were able to testify in Congress. The testimony was given in a hearing set by MTG and saw many heroic congresspeople attend – Matt Gaetz, Ron Johnson, Thomas Massie, Clay Higgins, and others. This hearing allowed us to ensure our elected officials heard, for the first time, new information about the DoD and CIA involvement in both the creation of COVID and the shots. We also shared additional information related to DMED, shedding, and explained that there are likely causes of action available to file suit directly against big pharma.

We desperately need resources at the moment. The fight for freedom is going well on all fronts but resources are very limited. We need as much help as possible to do everything possible before the 2024 election. We have learned that the same people that were behind COVID were behind the election fraud, CBDCs, and all the other issues we are facing. In a nation of 320+ million if we could find 100,000 to give $20 a month we could do a lot to free our country and change the world.

Next on May 24, about a week ago, Renz shared:

Attorney Tom Renz was sanctioned by Judge James Carr of the Northern District of Ohio, Western Division, Toledo despite the fact that there was no evidence on record of wrongdoing and three day’s worth of evidence, including testimony from 6 other attorneys from around the country, that Renz’s work was good and proper. Judge Carr used his power in the court to request motions for sanctions and then moved forward despite the complete lack of evidence of any wrongdoing.

The stated basis of Carr’s actions was that the case was frivolous, and the proceedings were vexatiously multiplied. Not only did 6 licensed attorneys and Renz himself testify as to the validity of the case, the Sixth Circuit had previously accepted oral arguments on the case and, while the 6th ultimately ruled against Renz, they did agree in part with his position in the case. By rule the 6th Circuit will not grant oral arguments if they determine, “(1) the appeal is frivolous; (2) the dispositive issue or issues have been authoritatively decided; or (3) the facts and legal arguments are adequately presented in the briefs and record, and the decisional process would not be significantly aided by oral argument. Fed. R. Bankr. P. 8019(b).”

In terms of vexatiously multiplying the proceedings the only actions in the case were filing a complaint and responding to a motion to dismiss. The appeal to the 6th Circuit cannot be considered multiplication of proceedings by law.

In this case, the Judge seemed bent on reaching a conclusion and ordering sanctions regardless of the facts. It may be fair to ask whether it is because a finding was issued on a complaint filed by Renz’s co-counsel in the case against Judge Carr. In the finding the 6th Circuit recognized that the Judge accepted an ex parte statement that was important (substantive) nature to the case from one of Governor Mike DeWine’s lawyers in another COVID case. So, again, it seems reasonable to ask whether the ruling in this case– based on no evidence – was retaliatory.

Renz is hoping to appeal this abysmal miscarriage of justice and ensure actual law is followed here. Please help us fight against another shady court and push for reform of the justice system so we can bring these cases effectively when disease X is released.

You can help Attorney Renz by donating to his Give Send Go account.

Americans need to support America’s strong, smart and righteous attorneys before the left puts them all in prison on fascist charges. Help Tom today!

The post ATTORNEY TOM RENZ: Another American Under Attack for Demanding the Truth appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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