Attorney Ty Clevenger Demands FBI Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich that They Continue to Hide from the Public
Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been going after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been going after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

Clevenger also investigated the unknown person who turned over the DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks during the 2016 election cycle. This was always the key to the Trump-Russia collusion nightmare.

No proof was ever offered up by the fake news legacy media, Democrats, or the intelligence community on this scandal. If Russia did not supply the DNC emails to WikiLeaks, then this was more proof that the DOJ’s Russia collusion story was a complete lie used to fool the American public. It certainly appears that was the case.

After years of denying they had anything related to Seth Rich, the FBI and DOJ were caught lying about the evidence they were holding.  In September 2023, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had regarding Seth Rich to Attorney Clevenger.

The FBI responded, requesting another 66 years before releasing the information. They wanted it moved out like the JFK assassination reports.

Then, in late November, a Federal Judge ruled the FBI must hand over evidence within weeks to Ty Clevenger.

This is big news since one year earlier, the FBI was attempting to bury the information on Seth Rich for 66 years.

No media outlet has covered the Seth Rich story as extensively as The Gateway Pundit.

After weeks of waiting for the FBI to release Seth Rich’s laptop to Attorney Ty Clevenger,Ty released an update last week.

The FBI is completely dug in in the coverup of the Seth Rich murder. Chris Wray’s FBI continues to defy the court and will not release the laptop computer.

According to Attorney Ty Clevenger, the FBI is making up a new story and a new excuse on why they cannot release the laptop.

The FBI is clearly hiding something.

Could it be that the Seth Rich computer confirms that he leaked the Hillary Clinton emails to Wikileaks as its founder Julian Assange implied?

The FBI is now saying that Seth Rich’s laptop is relevant to his murder investigation and therefore they can’t disclose it to Clevenger. So much for the botched robbery theory!

Attorney Ty Clevenger posted an update today on the Seth Rich case.

Seth Rich update: We’ve asked the court to order FBI to (1) explain why it filed documents secretly and (2) disclose those documents. Looks like FBI tried to dupe the court, i.e., that feds JUST learned that Seth’s murder investigation is still “open.”

Attorney Ty Clevenger also posted the latest motion regarding ex parte.

Attorney Clevenger shared this update with The Gateway Pundit earlier Wednesday.

“We have them in the corner. Hopefully, the judge will push them to turn it over soon. They’ve thumbed their nose at the judge time and time again.”

Clevenger hopes the judge will push the FBI to comply with the court’s requests. Clevenger also wants to see the documents the FBI is hiding on Seth Rich. There is obviously much more to this story that Chris Wray’s corrupt FBI does not want to get out.  What are they hiding?

The post Attorney Ty Clevenger Demands FBI Turn Over Documents on Seth Rich that They Continue to Hide from the Public appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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