“Biden Family Cover-Up” – Comer Accuses Biden’s AG Merrick Garland of Stonewalling Congressional Oversight with Appointment of Special Counsel
House Oversight Chairman James Comer (KY) on Friday responded to US Attorney Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (KY) on Friday responded to US Attorney Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that US Attorney for Delaware David Weiss was appointed Special Counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation.

Weiss asked for special counsel status in the Hunter Biden case.

“This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests,” Garland said. “It also reaffirms that Mr. Weiss has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate independently based only on the facts and the law.”

This is a massive cover-up operation.

Dave Weiss allowed the statute of limitations to run out on Hunter’s more serious charges as IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley previously pointed out.

“So the DC US Attorney’s office declining those charges – David Weiss’s requested special counsel authority being denied and then the statute of limitations then expires in November and December of 2022 so those years are gone and there’s no way to recoup the money from that Burisma income,” Shapley said in June.

James Comer accused Merrick Garland of stonewalling Congressional oversight with his decision to appoint a special counsel.

“This move by AG Garland is part of the Justice Department’s efforts to attempt a Biden family coverup in light of GOP House Oversight’s mounting evidence of President Biden’s role in his family’s schemes selling ‘the brand’ for millions of dollars to foreign nationals.” Chairman Comer said.

Comer continued, “Let’s be clear what today’s move is really about. The Biden Justice Department is trying to stonewall congressional oversight as we have presented evidence to the American people about the Biden family’s corruption. The House Oversight Committee will continue to follow the Biden family’s money trail…”

On Wednesday the House Oversight Committee released bank records on Hunter Biden’s payments from Russia and Kazakhstan officials.

The report mentions payments from Burisma Holdings, Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina, and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev.

The payments totaled $20 million to the Biden Crime Family.

In May James Comer identified the NINE Bidens implicated in corruption.

“Joe Biden’s son. Joe Biden’s brother. Joe Biden’s brother’s wife. Hunter Biden’s girlfriend/Beau Biden’s widow, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife. Hunter Biden’s current wife. And 3 children of the president’s son and the president’s brother. So we’re talking about grandchildren – a grandchild. That’s odd. Most people that work hard every day a grandchild doesn’t get a wire from a foreign national,” Comer said.

1. Hunter Biden
2. James Biden
3. Sara Biden
4. Hallie Biden
5. Kathleen Biden
6. Melissa Biden
7. Niece/nephew
8. Niece/nephew
9. Grandchild

James Comer said the Biden family received over $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden was Vice President.

The countries involved directly correlated with Joe Biden’s work as Vice President.

This is textbook money laundering and influence peddling.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of Joe and Hunter Biden’s crimes!

The post “Biden Family Cover-Up” – Comer Accuses Biden’s AG Merrick Garland of Stonewalling Congressional Oversight with Appointment of Special Counsel appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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