Biden Hammered for His ‘Unconscionable War’ on Faith
This article originally appeared on Guest by post by Bob Unruh ‘It will be up to the courts to set him straight’ A prominent publication in Washington is calling out Joe Biden for his “unconscionable war” on religious freedom in American, one of those freedoms protected by the First Amendment.

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘It will be up to the courts to set him straight’

A prominent publication in Washington is calling out Joe Biden for his “unconscionable war” on religious freedom in American, one of those freedoms protected by the First Amendment.

“It will be up to the courts to set Biden straight,” explained the Washington Examiner.

“It shouldn’t have to come to that, but that is where we are.”

The commentary cited Biden’s continued “methodical war against people of faith” in his pursuit just last week by his Department of Health and Human Services of a rule “rescinding conscience protections for doctors and nurses who are forced by their employers to perform procedures that violate their beliefs.”

“At a time when many states are mandating healthcare professionals perform highly controversial procedures such as abortion, sterilization, assisted suicide, and gender transition surgeries, Biden’s actions will only force more religious observers out of the healthcare profession entirely,” the editorial warns.

“The HHS is charged with being the first responder for over a dozen federal laws designed to protect religious freedom, including the Coats-Snowe Amendment, the Church Amendments, the Weldon Amendment, and various protections written into Medicare and Medicaid. In 2019, the Trump administration issued new regulations that beefed up these religious liberty protections, making it clear that the laws were primarily 0concerned with ‘the free exercise of religious beliefs.'”

Americans wealthy abortion industry responded quickly, blasting the faith protections for allowing “healthcare providers” to deny treatment, even though abortion, with its goal of killing one of every two patients who submit to its agenda, is mislabeled as “healthcare.”

The editorial said, “While it is true the rule was designed to put the beliefs of healthcare workers over the immediate desires of patients, there is no evidence that allowing the rule would have put anybody’s life at risk. The United States is brimming with doctors all too willing to abort babies and disfigure children.”

It blasted Biden for claiming that the religious freedom violations he seeks would be a “balance” of the rights of doctors with the “autonomy” of patients.

“Despite the fact that this ‘balancing’ test is written nowhere in statute, we have already seen it play out in Biden’s Justice Department. In 2021, the Biden administration dropped a lawsuit that had been initiated through an HHS conscience complaint against a Vermont hospital that had forced a Catholic nurse to participate in an elective abortion.”

The publication warned Biden’s “rollback of conscience protections for healthcare providers is just part of his administration’s much larger effort to push religious believers out of public life.”

It said earlier, “Biden has also kicked Franciscan priests out of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, made it harder for faith-based organizations to contract with federal agencies to provide social services, and denied the right of Christian adoption agencies to participate in HHS programs.”

Now, it said, “It will be up to the courts to set Biden straight after other doctors or nurses have been forced to violate their consciences or lose their jobs.”

Under Biden, it said, “That is where we are.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

The post Biden Hammered for His ‘Unconscionable War’ on Faith appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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