Biden Wins Crucial Coin Flip, Picks Curious Debate ‘Advantage’ Over Trump
Joe Biden won a crucial coin flip against Donald Trump that could've given him a big advantage. He didn't appear to pick it.

Given how much former President Donald Trump loves to get the final word in on any issue, one would assume that President Joe Biden would cherish the chance to strip his predecessor of getting a last word in, especially in a debate setting.

One would assume wrong.

According to CNN, which will host the first debate, Biden won a crucial coin flip ahead of the June 27 debate.

The coin, which turned up tails, gave Team Biden the option to choose between either podium position or the order in which closing remarks are delivered.

The incumbent, apparently, opted to lock in his podium position — a seemingly far lesser advantage than choosing the order of closing statements.

CNN noted that, due to his selection, Biden will now appear on the right side of the debate stage to viewers, while Trump will occupy the left-side podium.

Team Trump then chose to have Biden deliver the first set of closing remarks, giving the former president the true last word for the upcoming debate.

Jim Messina, who was the former campaign manager for Barack Obama and someone “in close contact with Biden’s team,” explained why Biden chose the podium position, per ABC News.

“As to why Biden chose the right-side podium after winning the coin flip, Messina said Biden just ‘likes’ that side and it’s a ‘personal preference,'” the outlet noted.

Biden and Trump also appear to be adopting radically different mindsets heading into the ballyhooed debate.

According to Reuters, Biden “is hunkered down with aides at Camp David,” while Trump “is eschewing traditional preparation” in favor of broader policy discussions with his team.

Whatever the reasons for Biden’s curious decision are, the June 27 debate is rapidly taking shape.

Both Trump and Biden agreed to rules for the CNN debate, and they include some curious quirks.

Both Trump and Biden will have muted mics unless they are actively giving an answer.

Neither man is allowed to use any note cards or converse with aides.

(That second rule somewhat negates a common social media theory that Biden is choosing a certain podium to more easily get help with responses.)

Both men are allowed a bottle of water, a pen and a pad of paper.

The debate will last 90 minutes, with two commercial breaks, as well — giving both presidential candidates some crucial breathing room.

CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the debate, which will take place in Atlanta.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Biden Wins Crucial Coin Flip, Picks Curious Debate ‘Advantage’ Over Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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