Big Development: Fractal Technology Uncovers the Central Nervous System of the Left – NGO Funding
Guest post by Jay Valentine – Jay can be contacted at his Substack: 3 years ago, Sheriff Clarke of Wisconsin asked the Fractal team to review the Wisconsin voter rolls – and the result was the Fractal Election Management application finding anomalies that cannot be found with current relational database.

Guest post by Jay Valentine –  Jay can be contacted at his Substack:

3 years ago, Sheriff Clarke of Wisconsin asked the Fractal team to review the Wisconsin voter rolls – and the result was the Fractal Election Management application finding anomalies that cannot be found with current relational database.

The Fractal team is not a political activist organization – we are high tech guys – who saw a problem and offered a solution.

The team, and the 26 state groups with whom we worked, recognized cleaning voter rolls was a losing proposition for 2024 – not enough time, too few phantoms taken off, massive government resistance, RNC inaction.

Cleaning voter rolls is a fundraising technique for national “non-partisan” voter integrity groups.  It’s perfect – almost nobody is taken off, the problem remains, dopey donors write checks.

Fractal shows, in multiple videos on the Omega4America site – vast voter roll anomalies in place for over 20 years!  Fractal showed thousands of voters at illegitimate addresses – FOR DECADES!

The Fractal ecosystem recognized delivering free, fair, transparent elections – is a fight against a multi-headed – hydra monster.

That monster includes contribution fraud groups and Dark Money NGOs operating under the cover of massive, interconnected financial networks – hidden in plain sight.

Harnessing the power of Fractal quantum technology, the team delivered the FEC Contribution System – identifying every contribution, from every person or group to every Federal level candidate – for the last 50 years.

With one click, there is total transparency – across 680,000,000 (six hundred eighty million) records.

For the first time, any contribution in the FEC database is visible, from a phone.  State databases followed.

When we delivered the FEC database, we recognized many “contributions in kind” flowed in a river – below the surface with NGOs (non-governmental orgs), 501 Cs, grants, foundations – funding lawfare, voter drives, even making illegal contributions.

Working with insightful voter integrity groups in California, Wisconsin, Texas – we delivered the Fractal Dark Money Tracking System.

The system, as the short demo below shows, connects NGOs, 501Cs, hundreds of thousands of other organizations who are the central nervous system of the Left.

The first week the system was available, we hit paydirt in a major swing state.

Working with the election integrity team, we identified one of their largest “voter registration” organizations, is directly financed by a Chinese NGO.

Following that success, we downloaded the information for most of the major Leftist NGOs in the state, and within minutes we were able to make hundreds of connections.

The system connects an NGO Dark Money entity – through any common attribute – employee, director, money flow out, money flow in, common address, near address, phone, and other attributes.

The results are so interconnected, artificial intelligence queries were brought in to trace money across connections.

The intricacy of these networks is simply breathtaking.

In the video below, one click shows the second level connections from just one NGO. 

The numbers of connections run into the hundreds of thousands – most delivering Leftist money to Leftist causes – in every state.

Because every fractal in the Fractal quantum system can communicate with every other fractal, the Fractal Election Management applications are fully integrated with the Dark Money system – immediately.

Teams using the Fractal Election Management app will now have access to the Dark Money Tracking System.

Several election integrity groups are actively using the system to challenge the tax status of some of these groups where their records show they are receiving money from illegitimate sources or in other cases where they are spending money on prohibited activities.

The video is of ONE organization – when you see how large its network is – just imagine what we are finding looking at hundreds of thousands of such Dark Money groups.

You can watch the video HERE or scroll down below:

Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List and the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and other major insurers.  Jay can be contacted at his Substack:

The post Big Development: Fractal Technology Uncovers the Central Nervous System of the Left – NGO Funding appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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