Bill Barr Triggers CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Won’t Back Down on Voting For Trump (VIDEO)
"It’s not an easy decision," Barr said. "But I think when you have a Hobson’s choice, you have to pick the lesser of two evils."

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is not backing down on his support for Donald Trump, much to the dismay of CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.

Barr, who broke with the president over his refusal to investigate the widespread evidence of massive voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election, said that despite his concerns about Trump he remained a far better option than Joe Biden.

His intention to vote Trump was clearly triggering to Collins, who despite starting out at the conservative Daily Caller has now staked out a role as the voice of the liberal establishment.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

BARR: So it’s not about me. I think that, that I’ve said this all along. If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country. And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement. And in the Biden administration.

COLLINS: The Biden administration, or President Biden himself.

BARR: Biden’s, Biden’s support for the progressive agenda.

COLLINS: I think a lot of people hear that. And the case that we just talked about that went before the Supreme Court, essentially, and say, how can you see that and say that Biden is a greater threat to democracy?

BARR: Well, where are we losing our freedoms? We have our freedoms being constrained that they’re being constrained by, the progressive government and, you know, democracy especially, you know, from the Anglosphere democracies, the Five Eyes and so forth. The threats never been for autocratic government on the right.

COLLINS: But how specifically, is Biden threatening democracy?

BARR: The threat to freedom and democracy has always been on the left. It’s the collectivist, socialist, agenda. And that is where we’re losing our freedom. Parents are losing the freedom to control, their children’s education. And, you know, people can’t speak their mind without losing their jobs and things like that. This is worse than the McCarthy era. Where is that coming from? It’s not coming from the right.

COLLINS: Those two things that you just noted there, you believe are worse than a president of the United States trying to subvert the will of the people by overturning the results, no question.

BARR: No, I think I think a country well, all the things together, like we’re not enforcing our borders, we have open borders, we have lawlessness, in our cities, we have regulations coming fast and fierce. So telling people what kind of stoves they can use and what kinds of cars they have to drive and, you know, eliminating cars and and so forth. Yeah, those are those are the threats to democracy.

COLLINS: But but President Biden is not in control of what some school boards across the country.

BARR: He’s using the administrative–

COLLINS: You can make that argument, but.

BARR: He’s making.

COLLINS: How is that the same thing?

BARR: Major changes are being made in our country without without the democratic process. And they’re being made by bureaucrats in these agencies.

COLLINS: You, okay? Pause! You cannot argue that Republicans across the country are not doing that as well. My own hometown. There’s a huge fight at the library over which books kids can read. This is not something that is a single-party fight.

BARR: Do you think there are? Don’t you think there should be some limits on on what people are able to read? I agree, young people.

COLLINS: I just think people look at what you’re saying and they don’t. And maybe, maybe even Republicans who have concerns about what’s happening with school boards or, you know, the culture and don’t maybe abortion, even don’t equate that with with January 6th and Trump’s efforts. When you told him the the election was not stolen and he still went out there and said it was stolen and led a lot of people to believe that they don’t, those things aren’t equal. It feels like a false equivalency.

BARR: Well, I disagree, I think, and I think, the country is much more susceptible to losing freedoms by the excesses of the left, and they have been steadily and that’s clear. People lose their jobs. Kids can’t speak out in the classroom. They have to go along with what the professor says in order to get good grades and so forth. It’s become like Stepford Nation being directed by, the progressive elites.

COLLINS: It is what you said recently, which was that, you know, the conduct that was involved with Donald Trump, you said trying to subvert and prevent the progress, the execution of probably the most important process we have, which is the peaceful transfer of power after an election. Name one thing that Biden has done that’s worse than that.

BARR: I think this whole administration is a disaster for the.

COLLINS: Is worse than subverting the peaceful transfer of power.

BARR: Did he succeed?

COLLINS: Only because Vice President Mike pence stood in the way? And now the people who are lining up again say that they will not do what Mike pence did.

BARR: Look, I was very loud and saying, I thought it was a whole the whole episode was shameful. And I’m and I’m very troubled by it. And that’s why it’s not an easy decision. But I think when you have a Hobson’s choice, you have to pick the lesser of two evils.

Earlier this week, Trump thanked Barr for his endorsement but also accused him of letting the country down with his conduct in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

“Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him “Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy” (New York Post!),” Trump wrote on Truth Social.” Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word “Lethargic” from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024!


The post Bill Barr Triggers CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Won’t Back Down on Voting For Trump (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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