Bill Maher Insults Trump Supporters in Interview with James Carville – Says Trump Will Likely Beat Old Joe Biden in 2024 (VIDEO)
Tell us how you really feel, Bill.

Tell us how you really feel, Bill.
During his latest “Club Random podcast, host Bill Maher invited Democrat strategist James Carville on to discuss the upcoming election.

During their conversation Bill Maher insulted the intelligence of Trump’s millions of committed supporters.

Bill Maher: “The people who go to the rallies are the worst. These are the people who when you said before some of them are deplorable. Yes, some of them are. I feel like those are the types who if you’re actually getting your ass out to go to a Trump rally, I mean, what, you don’t have the grades to get into the tractor pull?”

Bill’s talking about the poor working man and woman who love Trump. It’s not a stretch to say the elitist left has learned to hate them worse than Al-Qaeda.

Via Midnight Rider.

But that was not all.

Maher later predicted that Old Joe will lose to President Trump in 2024.
Are they worried about their fraud machine not coming through for them like in 2020?

Via The Wrap.

Bill Maher and James Carville share one major concern about Donald J. Trump. They both worry that there is a good chance he will win the 2024 presidential election. Discussing politics on Maher’s casual podcast “Club Random,” Carville said that, as a betting man, he sees “even odds” of Trump getting elected again.

Carville, a long-time Democratic political consultant and television commentator, said people in his party need to better understand that Trump’s appeal to so many Americans is that he is an alternative to extreme “wokeness” on the far left of the Democratic Party.

“People don’t like preachy people judging them,” Carville said.

The post Bill Maher Insults Trump Supporters in Interview with James Carville – Says Trump Will Likely Beat Old Joe Biden in 2024 (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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