BREAKING: Far-Left Maine Secretary of State Kicks Trump off the State’s 2024 Election Ballot
President Trump has just been kicked off the presidential ballot in Maine in an outrageous travesty of justice.
Credit: Maine Secretary of State Office

President Trump has just been kicked off the presidential ballot in Maine in an outrageous travesty of justice.

CNN reported this was a surprise decision based on leftist Secretary of State Sheena Bellows’ interpretation of the 14th Amendment. She ruled that because Trump engaged in an “insurrection,” he was ineligible to face the voters.

“I do not reach this conclusion lightly,” Bellows wrote. “Democracy is sacred. I am mindful that no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. I am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection.”

Bellow’s ruling has been reportedly suspended until the Supreme Court decides.

Maine is the second state just this month to disqualify the 45th President from office. Colorado last week issued a despicable 4-3 ruling alongside the same “logic” used by Bellows.

Here is a photo of this petty tyrant alongside her hero, Joe Biden, who is undoubtedly celebrating her ruling.

Credit Benny Johnson

Here is the full ruling.

This is a developing story. Check back with the Gateway Pundit for updates.

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