BREAKING: Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Comes Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It
That only took four years!

That only took four years!

The filthy liars at The New York Times finally came clean and reported that the COVID virus that killed millions most likely came from the Wuhan lab.

Of course, this is something The Gateway Pundit has been reporting since 2020. In fact, The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to reveal photos from inside the Wuhan laboratory of Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli running coronavirus testing with mice.

This was after her research was banned in the US because it was too dangerous.

The Gateway Pundit reported this in April 2020:

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli Ran Coronavirus Research in Wuhan After US Project Was Shut Down by DHS in 2014 for Being Too Risky — PRIOR LEAK KILLED RESEARCHER

Of course, we were censored, attacked and labeled fake news for reporting our findings.

Now, more than FOUR YEARS LATER The New York Times finally ran an Op-Ed promoting the same information we reported on four years ago.

Alina Chan, the Op-Ed author tweeted this out before yesterday's hearing.

Ahead of today's hearing in Congress: my opinion piece with the @nytimes on why Covid-19 was likely caused by a lab accident.

My hope since 2020 has been for leaders, especially scientists, to lead the charge in investigating a plausible lab #OriginOfCovid - as opposed to shutting it down as a conspiracy theory or standing by while conflicted parties do so. That hope has been revived repeatedly in the past 4 years by courageous scientists, journalists and individuals who took on considerable risks to do the right thing and push for a fair investigation.

In sharing this analysis of the available evidence with potentially millions of NYT readers, my aim is to undo some of the politicization of this issue - which has stood in the way of a thorough and bipartisan investigation of this global catastrophe, resulted in mis-reporting on origins for 4 years, as well as hindered the implementation of effective measures to prevent lab-based outbreaks.

A wholehearted investigation by US gov has the power to unearth more compelling evidence while spurring whistleblowers to find their courage and opportunity. And, regardless of whether the pandemic came from nature or a lab, the world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.

Via Alina Chan on X.

The post BREAKING: Filthy Liars at New York Times FINALLY Comes Clean – Publish Op-Ed Suggesting COVID Likely Came from Wuhan Lab and Fauci Funded It appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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