California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decisio
California Assembly passed AB 957, a controversial bill that will grant judges the authority to remove child custody from parents who refused to affirm their kids’ gender identity.

California Assembly passed AB 957, a controversial bill that will grant judges the authority to remove child custody from parents who refused to affirm their kids’ gender identity.

Ashley Zavala, California Capitol Correspondent, broke the news, highlighting the rift between the Republicans and Democrats over the bill’s stipulations.

“California lawmakers send Gov. Gavin Newsom a proposed law that would require judges to consider a parents affirmation of their child’s identity in custody cases,” she wrote.

Republicans argued that judges already possess the discretionary power to consider all aspects of a child’s well-being, including gender identity, when ruling on custody cases. The Democrats, on the other hand, argued that a parent’s affirmation of a child’s gender identity is crucial for the child’s mental and emotional health.

Parents affirm their children. Typically it happens when their gender identity matches their biological gender. But when it doesn’t, the affirmation starts to wane… Our duty as parents is to affirm our children,” said Democrat California State Rep. Lori Wilson.


The proposed law cleared the Assembly after some final tweaks and has already been given the nod by the Senate. All that’s left now is for Governor Gavin Newsom to either sign or veto the bill.

Parents in California should seriously think about leaving now.

A.B. 957 originally passed the California State Assembly back on May 3. As the Daily Signal reported on Friday, Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14.

But the State Senator Scott Wiener, a CHILDLESS man who co-authored the legislation, amended it in California’s State Senate on June 6.

State Senator Scott Wiener

This gives corrupt California courts total authority to remove a child from his or her parents’ home if parents object to the radical left’s LGBTQ ideological agenda.

But this is not the most sinister part of the bill, though. Conservative activist Greg Price noted that parents could be charged with child abuse, a criminal penalty, if they so much as object to their child’s preferred pronouns.

So not only can parents lose their children to a kangaroo court, they could go to jail for simply for not going along with their kid’s warped version of basic biology.

The Free Beacon reported the legislation “makes no distinctions regarding the age of a child, how long a child has identified as transgender, or affirmation of social transition versus medical sex-change treatments.”

Wiener, the man who wants to rip your children away from you, has been conducting a war on California families and endangering the broader public for years.

The Free Beacon added Wiener is simultaneously advancing a separate bill that would require foster parents to promise to “affirm” trans-identifying children. He also introduced a law in 2022 which would make California a so-called haven where out-of-state children undergo gender reassignment surgery without their parents’ permission.

Wiener’s most infamous authored piece of legislation came back in 2017, however. The vile man succeeded in his effort to lower the penalty for knowingly spreading HIV to sexual partners from a felony to a misdemeanor.

In Wiener’s America, people can spread a deadly disease with minimal consequences while parents lose their kids and face charges for telling them the truth.

The post California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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