California Retail Outlets Lock Up Underwear and Socks Due to Uptick in Theft
Thank’s Democrat.

Thank’s Democrat.

Beauty, cleaning, and hygiene products have been on lockdown for years at some retailers in the Golden State.

Now it has become so bad that two companies, Target and Walmart have started locking away socks and underwear. This has caused some irritability on the part of customers who now have to wait to get their products. Retail stores in the Bay Area have been hit the hardest.

Fox Business reported:

Two major retailers have begun to lock up undergarments in their California stores amid a surge of retail theft in the state.

Several retail stores from different corners of the country have kept beauty, hygiene, and cleaning products on lockdown in recent years, but the effort to limit the loss of goods to theft is reportedly making its way into the clothing department in some Golden State stores, according to a report from one local outlet.

In an effort to prevent the loss of additional merchandise, some Target and Walmart stores in the San Francisco Bay Area have locked up underwear and socks, frustrating customers who have to wait for assistance to receive their desired undergarments.

“One Walmart store in the Hilltop area has started locking up underwear, and according to the report, clerks say their store is being ravaged by shoplifters almost every day.” Fox Business reported.

To the customer it may appear to be in poor taste, but unfortunately some of these retail outlets have theft occurring on a daily basis.

“Earlier this week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, outlined a plan to crack down on retail and property crimes throughout the state.” Fox Business reported.

It appears a little late in the game for Governor Newsom to start talking tough on retail crime. Where has he been all these years?

Many California stores have been victims of smash and grab thefts due to very weak laws and prosecutors that are unwilling to bring criminals to justice. TGP reported on one last August.

A disturbing trend of ‘smash and grabs’ is plaguing Democrat-run California.


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