Canadian Province of Alberta Bars Children From Sex-Change Surgeries, Puberty Blockers – Bans Transgender From Girls’ Sports – Trudeau’s Liberals and the MSM Outraged!
All over the world, conservatives are implementing everyday common-sense policies that get slandered in the media as ‘radical’, ‘extreme’, ‘far-right’ and other bad names.

All over the world, conservatives are implementing everyday common-sense policies that get slandered in the media as ‘radical’, ‘extreme’, ‘far-right’ and other bad names.

If we were to give credence to these reports – which of course we don’t – it would seem the world is going mad, but of course it only means more and more people decide to implement sane and sensible policies.

Take Canada for a radical example.

Under the Globalist-liberal Justin Trudeau administration, it has turned into Canadistan, a place where it became normal that a female veteran suffering from PTSD searches for help, and is offered… assisted suicide.

That’s the Trudeau ‘normalcy’.

But if Conservative Alberta Premier Danielle Smith unveils ‘sweeping changes to policies related to students and gender identity’ – meaning common sense restriction on ‘gender reassignment’ surgeries and hormone treatments – Oh the world seem to shake in its foundations for the libs and media.

Alberta’s no-nonsense guidelines would be ‘the strictest introduced in Canada’, which says a lot. The new policies have utterly enraged both Ottawa and the MSM alike.

So much so that a report from Reuters is all complaints and recriminations – which we’ll bypass here – and only gives voice to Premiere Danielle Smith on the 10th paragraph!

“‘We want to make sure that those adult decisions are made as adults’, Smith told reporters on Thursday. ‘Issues involving kids’ reproductive health are not a political stunt’.”

Meanwhile, “Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has built a commanding lead in opinion polls against Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, mostly by hammering the government on cost-of-living issues.

But in November of last year Poilievre did tell supporters that Trudeau ‘does not have a right to impose his radical gender ideology on our kids and on our schools’, without elaborating.”

Poilievre does talk the talk – but Premiere Smith is showing she walks the walk.

Daily Mail reported:

“Transgender children under the age of 17 will be barred from undergoing gender reassignment surgery and puberty blockers will be banned for anyone under 16, in a raft of new measures announced by the head of Canada’s Alberta province.

Smith, a member of the United Conservative Party, said the aim was to protect children, while also expanding provisions for adult trans healthcare. She has angered officials from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party, which has taken a so-called ‘affirming’ stance on procedures for children who say they are trans.”

The Daily Mail mostly walks the MSM line on this subject, but it does slip a bit when it writes about “a so-called ‘affirming’ stance on procedures for children who say they are trans.”

It’s a subtle nod to the liberal insanity.

Premiere Smith said she is not prepared to roll the dice with ‘complex and often changing emotions of those teenagers’.

“‘Making permanent and irreversible decisions regarding one’s biological sex, while still a youth, can severely limit that child’s choices in the future’, said Smith.”

Also, in the new policy, ‘transgender females’ (a.k.a. biological males) will not be allowed to compete in girls’ sports.

Smith means to create co-ed and gender neutral competitions.

“‘I strongly believe that those who were born male, but transitioned to or identify as female, are owed the opportunity to meaningfully participate in sport. However, there are obvious biological realities that give transgender athletes a massive biological advantage over women and girls.”

The Premiere thinks girls should ‘not be forced to compete against biologically-stronger transgender athletes‘.

All in all, everything is just normal, common sense policy, but it gets branded as divisive and radical. Upside down world.

Viva Alberta!

Read more:

Canadian Province of Alberta Defies Ottawa, Shields Power Companies From Trudeau’s Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’

The post Canadian Province of Alberta Bars Children From Sex-Change Surgeries, Puberty Blockers – Bans Transgender From Girls’ Sports – Trudeau’s Liberals and the MSM Outraged! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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