Defeated in European Elections, Macron May Resign if He Loses the Snap Parliamentary Vote – MSM Sets Out to Pit RN’s Le Pen and Bardella Against Each Other
The European Elections showed voters all around the continent rejecting the political establishment that drove the EU into the absolute mess it finds itself today: sagging economies, unchecked mass migration bringing societal chaos, and crippling ‘green’ policies endangering the very food security of nations.
Jordan Bardella, Emmanuel Macron, and Marine Le Pen.

The European Elections showed voters all around the continent rejecting the political establishment that drove the EU into the absolute mess it finds itself today: sagging economies, unchecked mass migration bringing societal chaos, and crippling ‘green’ policies endangering the very food security of nations.

It’s, therefore, no surprise that the so-called ‘far right’ is surging: the populist, nationalist, euro-skeptic, and anti-globalist forces – defending common-sense policies now deemed ‘radical’ and ‘dangerous’.

But probably the most symbolic victory in this historic electoral night was obtained by the French National Rally party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.

The RN crushed the government in the election to such an extent that French President Emmanuel Macron immediately dissolved the national parliament and called snap elections on June 30 and July 7th.

Macron has made an enormous gamble because another defeat could mean the virtual end of Macron’s government – even though his mandate only expires in 2027.

French Radio Channel Europe 1 has reported – according to its sources – that Macron would be  discussing with his team the possibility of resigning from the presidency in case of another right-wing victory.

The resignation of the president is not a taboo. Yes, today we have to consider all scenarios,” claimed the channel’s source.

The Élysée Palace has denied the report, but the idea is on everyone’s minds, anyway.

Meanwhile, the RN prepares itself for power, and the mainstream media now has chosen its next task: to pit Marine Le Pen against young phenomenon Jordan Bardella, hoping that they mutually destroy themselves in furtherance of a lust for power.

Reuters reported:

“The RN’s strong showing […] is partly due to the formidable political tag team that Bardella and Le Pen have formed, experts said. They have fused youthful enthusiasm with battle-hardened experience to devastating electoral effect.”

We see how the right-wing success is described as a ‘devastation.’ It’s never something constructive in the MSM, but an implosion of sorts.

Globalism is appalled about RN’s win in every major age group. Overall, the Le Pen-Bardella outfit won 31.37% of the vote, more than double the Macron coalition’s 14.6%.

“Bardella will be the party’s candidate for prime minister in the upcoming early election to be held on June 30 and July 7, RN deputy chairman Sebastien Chenu said on RTL Radio on Monday.”

Reuters seems excited that ‘Bardella has often let himself down with unforced errors’.

“Le Pen might fret that as prime minister, Bardella’s inexperience could lead to charges of incompetence, potentially dooming her 2027 chances.

[…] Alternatively, if Bardella shines, Le Pen, 55, may fear being eclipsed by her young protégé.”

If Bardella looks more appealing or successful, there might be attempts to make him the 2027 presidential candidate, is the hope displayed in the article.

If they can’t win elections, all they can do now is hope that the right self-destructs.

Read more:

THE BIG GAMBLE: In France, What Are Macron’s Intentions on Calling Snap Elections After Crushing Defeat to Le Pen and Bardella’s RN on the European Parliament Vote?

The post Defeated in European Elections, Macron May Resign if He Loses the Snap Parliamentary Vote – MSM Sets Out to Pit RN’s Le Pen and Bardella Against Each Other appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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