Democrat El Paso Mayor Starts Bussing Migrants to New York, Chicago, and Denver
The Democrat mayor of El Paso, Texas, has started bussing migrants to New York, Chicago, and Denver.

The Democrat mayor of El Paso, Texas, has started bussing migrants to New York, Chicago, and Denver.

Democrats have repeatedly claimed that Republican governors bussing migrants to “sanctuary cities” is cruel and “inhumane.”

El Paso’s liberal Mayor Oscar Leeser apparently disagrees, saying that the city has reached “a breaking point.”

“The city of El Paso only has so many resources and we have come to … a breaking point right now,” Leeser said at a press conference on Saturday.

“I think it’s really important to note that we have a broken immigration system,” Lesser added. “It’s the same thing over and over again.”

Over 2,000 migrants, most from Venezuela, have been crossing into the city daily.

The city claims that the migrants are being transported voluntarily.

“Every individual that boards one of these busses is going voluntarily,” Jorge Rodriguez with El Paso Emergency Management said, according to a report from local station WGN9. “They sign a form stating that they’re going voluntarily to the destination of their choice. No one has been forced, but we are coordinating with them carefully.”

The Messenger reports, “Resources in Chicago have been strained to the extent that migrants have been sheltering in police stations and airports, while New York City has received 100,000 asylum seekers in the last year and it is still struggling to house them. In addition to busing migrants to blue states, Abbott has gone to extreme lengths to keep migrants out of his state.”

“He launched Operation Lone Star in 2021 to prevent migrants from illegally crossing the border,” the report added. “Texas also installed buoys to make it difficult for them to cross the border through the Rio Grande River.”

The post Democrat El Paso Mayor Starts Bussing Migrants to New York, Chicago, and Denver appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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