Democrats Hemorrhaging Black and Latino Voters as Biden Crushes Middle Class Dreams and Funnels Billions to Illegals and Foreign Regimes (VIDEO)
Democrats continue to hemorrhage Black and Latino voters in the runup of the 2024 presidential election.
Democrats Hemorrhaging Black and Latino Voters as Biden Crushes Middle Class Dreams

Democrats continue to hemorrhage Black and Latino voters in the runup of the 2024 presidential election.

The Democrats no longer have a lock on the minority vote as more and more Blacks and Latinos are waking up to Joe Biden’s destruction of the American economy here at home and his foreign policy disasters abroad. And Biden’s freebies to his 10 million illegal invaders has not gone unnoticed in the minority communities around the country today.

Black and Hispanic support for the Democratic Party fell nearly 20 points in just over three years. This is a huge loss in support. Democrats are going to have to work extra hard to steal the minority vote this year.

Daniel Garza from The Libre Initiative

Daniel Garza from the Libre Initiative and Stacy Washington from “Stacy on the Right” joined FOX and Friends this Sunday morning to discuss.

Daniel Garza: “Well, Rachel, you’re right. I think the GOP has been gaining fast on the Democrats’ long standing advantage with Latinos for some time now. And the Democrats are going to be left behind if they continue really the denial that they’re bleeding votes from the largest swing voting bloc in America by imposing really their priority on us. Right? And siding with the extreme flank of the party. Look, you talk about 20 point difference that they’ve lost or net gain since 2020. That’s a national poll which, by the way, includes California, which is one third of all Latinos. And to your point, it’s the extreme issues. It’s the sabotaging of America’s security at the border and the flaunting of our immigration laws. It’s the reckless spending that really spiked inflation and interest rates and the failure to acknowledge so much of the hurt and the pain that it caused. It’s pushing this really expensive green energy boondoggles that the environmentalist extremists are imposing on Americans. Anti school choice, men in girls locker rooms, and the race baiting that Latinos are really uncomfortable with. I mean, if you want to turn off Latinos? Keep pushing this stuff.”

Stacy Washington added this, “I think the most important thing that you just stated there is that it’s something that they can see. It’s something black Americans can see in their communities. Children being kicked out of school to let migrants stay in the gym, the really stark amount of costs that are being spent $9,000 a month for residents of Chicago. These are migrants who are getting that and the people who pay the taxes are getting nothing. So you pile that angst on top of car insurance being up 20.3%, baby food up 7.3%, rent up 6.2%. And if you put all those things together, obviously there’s a lot of, it’s not just angst, it’s anger, very real anger at the policies that the Democrats are pushing and the replacement of voters who traditionally have been the core of the Democrat party, literally being shunted aside in favor of people who are in the country illegally. So it’s a terrible, terrible thing, and it is showing up in the polls.”

Via Midnight Rider.

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