Despicable: Pro-Hamas Agitators Torch American Flag and Desecrate World War I Memorial in New York City While Police Guard Star-Studded Met Gala Event (VIDEO)
Pro-Hamas protesters took out their frustration on Old Glory and American heroes from World War I with no police in sight after failing to disrupt the Met Gala Monday night.
Credit: New York Post X Account Screenshot

Pro-Hamas protesters took out their frustration on Old Glory and American heroes from World War I with no police in sight after failing to disrupt the Met Gala Monday night.

As the New York Post reported, the agitators vandalized a 107th Infantry Memorial in Central Park. The base was defaced with hideous graffiti reading “Gaza” in large black letters.

Other terror supporters vandalized the statue’s soldiers with stickers of the Palestinian flag that read “Stop the Genocide. End the apartheid. Free Palestine.” Some of the agitators climbed atop the infantrymen and draped the flag of terrorism over the figures.

But the most vile action by the agitators occurred when one in a keffiyeh bandana decided to burn an American flag to a crisp while other smirking protesters gawked and filmed.

Below are two videos showing the sickening actions of the terror-loving agitators.


The Post reports that all of this unfolded without a single police officer in sight because they were too worried about protecting the far-left celebrities at arguably the most overrated fashion event in the world.

The 107th Infantry Memorial was not the only monument in Central Park vandalized Monday night in the Big Apple. The Post reveals that the anti-American cowards also defaced the Civil War Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman bronze statue in Grand Army Plaza.

The protesters wrote “Free Gaza” in red letters on the memorial’s base and attached a Palestinian flag to its front.

Earlier in the evening, the NYPD arrested two dozen anti-Israel demonstrators as they marched from Hunter College toward the Met Gala. The so-called “Day of Rage” protest was organized by the pro-Hamas activist group Within Our Lifetime.

The agitators had marched north on Fifth Avenue while blocking traffic along the way before cops finally stopped them in Central Park. Some of these protesters later turned their attention to spitting on America and her heroes.

The post Despicable: Pro-Hamas Agitators Torch American Flag and Desecrate World War I Memorial in New York City While Police Guard Star-Studded Met Gala Event (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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