DOJ Arrests Afghan Refugee and ISIS Supporter for Conspiring to Conduct Election Day Attack – Arrived with Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Afghans During Joe Biden’s Botched Withdrawal from Afg
          The Merrick Garland Department of Justice arrested Afghan refugee Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi from Oklahoma City for conspiring to conduct an Election Day attack in November.
The DOJ arrested Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi on Tuesday for plotting an Election Day attack in America. Tawhedi is pictured above displaying the “Tawhid” gesture in the same manner as ISIS. – via DOJ document

The Merrick Garland Department of Justice arrested Afghan refugee Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi from Oklahoma City for conspiring to conduct an Election Day attack in November.

As reported earlier, Tawhedi planned the attack on behalf of ISIS.

According to the DOJ:

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, conspired and attempted to provide material support to ISIS and obtained firearms and ammunition to conduct a violent attack on U.S. soil in the name of ISIS.

As part of the plot, the defendant allegedly took steps to liquidate his family’s assets, resettle members of his family overseas, acquire AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition, and commit a terrorist attack in the United States.

“As charged, the Justice Department foiled the defendant’s plot to acquire semi-automatic weapons and commit a violent attack in the name of ISIS on U.S. soil on Election Day,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.

“We will continue to combat the ongoing threat that ISIS and its supporters pose to America’s national security, and we will identify, investigate, and prosecute the individuals who seek to terrorize the American people.

The FBI set him up.

While liquidating their family’s assets prior to the attack, Tawhedi and his co-conspirator, who is a juvenile, advertised the sale of the family’s personal property on Facebook.

At the FBI’s direction, a confidential human source responded to inquire if a computer was still for sale. The FBI source noted that he needed the computer for a new gun business he was starting, which ultimately led Tawhedi and the juvenile to meet with the source and other FBI assets at a rural location to test firearms. Tawhedi expressed interest in purchasing two AK-47 assault rifles, magazines, and ammunition from the source.

According to the criminal complaint, on Oct. 7, Tawhedi and the juvenile met with the FBI assets at a rural location in the Western District of Oklahoma and purchased, received, and took possession of two AK-47 assault rifles, ten magazines, and 500 rounds of ammunition.

Upon receipt of the rifles and ammunition, Tawhedi and the juvenile were arrested.

Tawhedi entered the US on September 9, 2021, as one of Joe Biden’s unvetted refugees from Afghanistan.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in early September 2021 that the Biden Administration filled planes with unvetted Afghan refugees. According to men on the ground, those Afghans with papers were left behind. The Taliban was reportedly put in charge of the vetting.

US Marine on the Ground in Kabul Says Biden Admin Filled Planes with Unvetted Afghans – Those with Papers were Left Behind — NY Times Confirms Afghans Were Unvetted

An IG report in September 2022 revealed that the Afghan refugees were not vetted before the Biden regime brought them to the US.

Townhall reported:

A new report from the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General reveals a number of dangerous Afghans were not properly vetted by the U.S. government before being frantically evacuated from Kabul to the United States in August 2021.

"CBP [Customs and Border Protection] did not always have critical data to properly screen, vet, or inspect Afghan evacuees arriving as part of OAR/OAW. We determined some of the information used to vet evacuees through U.S. Government databases, such as name, DOB, identification number, and travel document data, was inaccurate, incomplete, or missing," the investigation found. "CBP admitted or paroled evacuees who were not fully vetted into the United States. We attribute the challenges to DHS not having: (1) a list of Afghan evacuees who were unable to provide sufficient identification documents; (2) a contingency plan to support similar emergency situations; and (3) standardized policies. As a result, DHS paroled at least two individuals into the United States who posed a risk to national security and the safety of local communities and may have admitted or paroled more individuals of concern."

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was one of the millions of foreigners Joe Biden brought into the country unvetted. Many of the illegal migrants entering the US do not have any identification papers.

Laura Ingraham reported on Tawhedi's arrest on Tuesday night:

The post DOJ Arrests Afghan Refugee and ISIS Supporter for Conspiring to Conduct Election Day Attack – Arrived with Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Afghans During Joe Biden’s Botched Withdrawal from Afghanistan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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