Dutch PM Rutte Urges European Leaders to ‘Stop Moaning and Whining and Nagging About Trump’, Says NATO Has to ‘Work With Whoever Is on the Dance Floor’
Über Globalist Mark Rutte is the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister.

Über Globalist Mark Rutte is the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister. He is also the favorite in the run to be the next secretary-general of NATO.

So when it was his turn to speak at the Munich Security Conference, the Western world was paying close attention. And what he had to say did shock some people.

Rutte said that Europe should ‘stop whining’ about Donald Trump and focus on what it could do for Ukraine.

As we know, President Donald Trump did what he does best: ‘sparked outrage’ by stating the simple, obvious, common-sense truth.

Trump said that re-elected in November, he would not defend NATO allies who fail to spend enough on defense.

Reuters reported:

“‘We should stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump’, Rutte told the Munich Security Conference. He added: ‘It’s up to the Americans. I’m not an American, I cannot vote in the U.S. We have to work with whoever is on the dance floor’.”

In his speech, Rutte also stated the obvious: Europe should spend more on defense and ramp up ammunitions production.

Rutte’s party may join the new government coalition headed by Geer Wilders.

Of course, the Dutch politician also repeated the Globalist mantra: Europe ‘need’ to increase its support for Ukraine ‘because it was in its interests’.

Rutte ‘does not know’ if he is a front-runner to lead NATO and said he would not start a personal campaign.

“‘And all that whining and moaning about Trump. I hear that constantly over the last couple of days. Let’s stop doing that’, Rutte said, adding that after talking with U.S. politicians in Munich he was ‘cautiously optimistic’ that a U.S. military aid package that has stalled would eventually pass.”

In his speech, Rutte also stated the obvious: Europe should spend more on defense and ramp up ammunition production.

Of course, the Dutch politician also repeated the Globalist mantra: Europe ‘need’ to increase its support for Ukraine ‘because it was in its interests’.

Rutte ‘does not know’ if he is a front-runner to lead NATO, and said that he would not start a personal campaign.

“‘And all that whining and moaning about Trump. I hear that constantly over the last couple of days. Let’s stop doing that’, Rutte said, adding that after talking with U.S. politicians in Munich he was ‘cautiously optimistic’ that a U.S. military aid package that has stalled would eventually pass.”

Current NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, has been serving since 2014 and is due to step down in October. Diplomats have said Rutte would be a strong candidate to succeed him.

Read more:

TRUMP’S TOUGH TALK WORKS: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Now Vows To Meet NATO’s Agreed Minimum and Spend More Than 2% of GDP on Defense

The post Dutch PM Rutte Urges European Leaders to ‘Stop Moaning and Whining and Nagging About Trump’, Says NATO Has to ‘Work With Whoever Is on the Dance Floor’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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