Easily Fooled Nikki Haley Has a Long History of Pushing BLM Hoaxes
Nine years ago leftists torched and looted dozens of businesses in Ferguson, Missouri after local teen Mike Brown bum-rushed and beat a cop and was shot dead.
18-year-old Mike Brown committing strong-arm robbery minutes before he bum-rushed and beat a police officer and was shot dead in Ferguson, Missouri in August, 2014.

Nine years ago leftists torched and looted dozens of businesses in Ferguson, Missouri after local teen Mike Brown bum-rushed and beat a cop and was shot dead. Then months later leftists burned down the business district again after the police officer was found not guilty in Brown’s death.

Barack Obama sent more representatives to Mike Brown’s funeral than to the funeral in Dallas, Texas, when five police officers were shot dead during a Mike Brown riot.

The left lied for months about Mike Brown being a “gentle giant” who was a peace-loving individual who was starting school in a few weeks.

Then photos were released of Mike Brown’s strong arm robbery of an immigrant at a local convenience store.

And despite the lies from the national media, Mike Brown never had his “hands up” but was shot dead when he charged the police officer like a bull after he beat the officer and tried to take his gun.

Nikki Haley also pushed the Mike Brown hoax back in 2014.

Haley had this to say about Michael Brown’s death.

“Before the tragedy of Mother Emanuel in June, there was the tragedy of Walter Scott in April. Most of you will recall what happened in that case: Mr. Scott, a 50 year old black man, was stopped by a white North Charleston police officer for having a broken taillight. What ensued was caught on video for all the world to see: Mr. Scott began to run from the officer, who shot him repeatedly in the back, tragically ending his life. Now, in the last year, we’ve seen similar situations elsewhere. In New York City, in Baltimore, and of course, in Ferguson, Missouri, there were incidents involving white police officers and unarmed black victims.”

Of course, the reality is that Officer Darren Wilson was found innocent by a court in Missouri and later by the US Department of Justice. Local individuals in the Ferguson community testified against the false narrative by the left of Brown’s innocence.

This was not the only time Nikki Haley pushed a BLM hoax.

Nikki Haley, hoaxer Bubba Wallace, and Mike Brown from Ferguson.

Nikki was wrong about George Floyd:
**  “We spent the last couple of days celebrating our son’s graduation. Tonight I turned on the news and am heartbroken. It’s important to understand that the death of George Floyd was personal and painful for many. In order to heal, it needs to be personal and painful for everyone.”
** The reality: George Floyd had a fatal dose of fentanyl in his system.

Nikki was wrong about the Bubba Wallace noose hoax:
**  “We should all stand with @BubbaWallace today against the cowards who secretly put the noose in his garage stall. Watch your back cowards. Bubba has a bigger army than you do. #HateWontWin #WeStandWithBubba”

** The reality: “FBI Says Noose Found In Bubba Wallace’s Stall Had Been There Since 2019” It was a garage pull string!

Nikki Haley’s instincts are

The post Easily Fooled Nikki Haley Has a Long History of Pushing BLM Hoaxes appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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