EXCLUSIVE: Former Arizona AG Candidate Abe Hamadeh Discusses AG Kris Mayes’ Witch Hunt Grand Jury Indictment Against Innocent Trump 2020 Alternate Electors and NEW AZ Supreme Court Appeal in
Former Trump-Endorsed Arizona Attorney General candidate Abe Hamadeh spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Thursday to discuss the lawfare by Attorney General Kris Mayes,who stole her election from Republican Abe Hamadeh by just 280 votes,against President Trump and his allies.

Former Trump-Endorsed Arizona Attorney General candidate Abe Hamadeh spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Thursday to discuss the lawfare by Attorney General Kris Mayes, who stole her election from Republican Abe Hamadeh by just 280 votes, against President Trump and his allies.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh’s fight against the stolen midterm election in Arizona. The election day anomalies and discrepancies included likely intentional machine failures at 60% of Maricopa County polling locations, misread votes statewide, and illegal mail-in ballots with no chain of custody or signature verification that tainted the results.

Additionally, thousands of ballots were cast provisionally and not counted due to wrongfully canceled voter registrations. After a “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes and uncounted ballots were discovered in rural Pinal County’s recount results, Kris Mayes’ lead shrunk from 511 votes to 280 votes. If the nearly 10,000 uncounted ballots statewide were counted, Abe Hamadeh would be in the Attorney General’s office.

However, then-Secretary of State Katie Hobbs intentionally withheld evidence of uncounted ballots, miscounted ballots, and voter disenfranchisement in Pinal County and across the state during Hamadeh’s first trial. Maricopa County also “did not provide provisional ballot information until after trial, information that had it been timely provided, we would have been able to address those problems we found at trial,” said Hamadeh attorney Jen Wright.

Hamadeh is now the Trump-Endorsed candidate for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s Congressional District 8. Still, he continues his fight for justice in the rigged midterm election and plans to take his election contest lawsuit to the Arizona Supreme Court following a 2-1 ruling in the Arizona Court of Appeals on April 9 rejecting his appeal. Judge James B. Morse Jr., dissenting against the majority, noted that Maricopa County and the Superior Court’s refusal to grant discovery and inspection of ballots and the Cast Vote Record was unfair to Hamadeh.  

Hamadeh told The Gateway Pundit on Thursday, “This is the first time we had a judge, an honest judge, dissent with his colleagues, and it was a seven-page dissent, but they did reject our appeal asking for a new trial. But that’s not going to stop us because we still have one level to go up to the Supreme Court… There’s 9000 uncounted ballots here in Arizona, so we’re taking it to the next level, Supreme Court. We should be submitting it within a week.”

By rejecting Hamadeh’s request for the CVR as untimely, the superior court abused its discretion and denied Hamadeh a fair opportunity to inspect the ballots and prepare for the evidentiary hearing. See Johnson, 245 Ariz. at 242, ¶ 11. I would remand this matter to the superior court to determine whether Hamadeh can prove his claim, as alleged pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-672, and establish that a sufficient number of ballots were not properly counted such that the outcome of the election would plausibly have been different,” writes Judge Morse.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the still questionably elected Kris Mayes announced felony charges against 18 Trump allies and alternative electors on Wednesday afternoon for the non-crime of questioning the 2020 election. She defended her witch hunt and the curious timing of the indictment – just months before the 2024 general election.

The charges include nine counts of conspiracy, fraudulent schemes and artifices, fraudulent schemes and practices, and forgery. “Defendants and unindicted coconspirators schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency to keep Unindicted Coconspirator 1 in office against the will of Arizona’s voters,” the indictment alleges.

Make no mistake, the charges are a warning shot to anyone who may want to challenge the 2024 election. See the full list of 18 defendants facing felony charges in Arizona here.

Mayes recently said the quiet part out loud late last month, declaring, “We absolutely have to get President Biden reelected,” before announcing the indictment by an Arizona grand jury in the latest election interference lawfare.

WATCH: “We Absolutely Have to Get President Biden Reelected” – Leftist Arizona AG Kris Mayes Says The Quiet Part Out Loud Before Announcing Grand Jury Indictment Against Trump 2020 Alternate Electors

There were still ongoing investigations into voter fraud in 2020 when alternative electors cast their slate for Donald J. Trump, and there is a legal precedent for this so-called crime. Recall that the Arizona Attorney General at the time, Mark Brnovich, released a report on his investigation in April 2022, stating that “between 100,000 and 200,000 ballots were transported without a proper chain of custody,” and individuals would be prosecuted for election fraud. However, the weak, lethargic AG never followed through.

Even the election officials in Maricopa County, which accounts for roughly 60% of Arizona's voters, knew the election was rigged with dead voters, ballot harvesting, and shady machine software and admitted that the County’s in-house audit of the 2020 election was “bulsh*t.” Former Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri previously stated that his colleagues lied because they were too scared to do a real audit.

Hamadeh released the following statement on Wednesday, slamming Mayes for "shamelessly engaging in selective prosecution and manipulating the law to suit their agenda while disregarding justice and fairness." He further vowed to protect elections from the "unconstitutional tactics of power-hungry Democrats" when elected to U.S. Congress.

The Gateway Pundit exclusively reported on Hamadeh's comprehensive five-point election integrity plan to introduce federal legislation and secure elections.

Hamadeh added in our interview, "When I'm in Congress, there's going to be investigations" into shady election officials and fraud in Arizona and nationwide.

"I can't wait for Kari Lake to help push through the Senate a strong U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona so they can start going after the corruption here in Arizona."

Watch the full interview below:

Conradson: Mayes said the quiet part out loud: We have to get Joe Biden reelected. Give me your thoughts.

Hamadeh: It's actually what these other prosecutors who have gone after President Trump were also doing. They've all had these meetings at the White House over the past few years. You saw Fannie Willis meeting at the White House, you saw Alvin Bragg's -- the guy who's actually coming after President Trump in his criminal trial -- came from the Biden Department of Justice, was the third highest lawyer over there. So this is obvious what's happening. This is a political witch hunt going after President Donald Trump. And look, you know, they always talk about we got to move on from 2020. Isn't it interesting now that we're about four years away from 2020, and they hand down these 18 indictments against these defendants, and it's a nine-count indictment? I'm a former prosecutor, Jordan, and if you look at the charges, it's conspiracy, it's fraud, it's forgery. These are such broad statutes that they're going after, very serious crimes, felonies. And of the 18 of them, seven of them are part of President Trump's team, and look at what's going on. They're going after Rudy Giuliani. This poor guy can't even catch a break. They already bankrupted him once before. They're going after Mark Meadows, Trump's former chief of staff, but if you look down on who the 11 people who were indicted for the alternate elector, here in Arizona, many of them are people you and I both know Jordan. These are grandmothers. These are people who are active in the Republican Party that, during this time period, remember, there were still ongoing election challenges with 2020; that's what was happening. That's why they sent up the alternate slate up to Washington, DC. So, we know what's going on, the illegitimate Attorney General Chris Mayes, which you rightly noted, stole the race and stole that position which we're still fighting in the courts. Look how brazen she is. She knows she's illegitimate, and she's going after President Trump and all of his associates and people who support President Trump. That's what's so frightening about all of this.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Former Arizona AG Candidate Abe Hamadeh Discusses AG Kris Mayes’ Witch Hunt Grand Jury Indictment Against Innocent Trump 2020 Alternate Electors and NEW AZ Supreme Court Appeal in Stolen Election Lawsuit appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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