EXCLUSIVE: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Speaks to The Gateway Pundit After Testifying at the Alejandro Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing (VIDEO)
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey told The Gateway Pundit on Thursday about the consequences his state is facing as a result of Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ open border invitation. This includes at least 1,100 reports of human trafficking, 1,500 fentanyl overdose deaths, and 43 children killed by accidental fentanyl exposure, all in a single year.
(left to right) Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, and Frank O. Bowman III, professor emeritus of law, University of Missouri School of Law testify at House Homeland Security Committee hearing January 10, 2024

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey told The Gateway Pundit on Thursday about the consequences his state is facing as a result of Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ open border invitation. 

This includes at least 1,100 reports of human trafficking, 1,500 fentanyl overdose deaths, and 43 children killed by accidental fentanyl exposure, all in a single year.

In an exclusive interview after the House Homeland Security Committee’s Mayorkas impeachment hearing, Bailey said Biden’s open border is “an intentional behavior on the part of the Secretary to undermine the rule of law by perverting the plain text of the law, to fling the doors wide open, and allow in who would otherwise be illegal criminal aliens.”

House Republicans last week started new impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas for his handling of the ongoing southern border crisis.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Senator David Marshall introduced a vote of no confidence resolution against Mayorkas in the Senate on Tuesday as the House ramps up its proceedings to impeach the criminal Homeland Security Secretary for violating his oath and fostering a historic border crisis.

Senator Roger Marshall Introduces Vote of No Confidence Resolution Against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (VIDEO)

Throughout the hearing, House Republicans and three State Attorneys General testifying as expert witnesses presented the damning consequences of Biden and Mayorkas’s invasion of our border, including fentanyl and human smuggling throughout the United States as 11 million illegals crossed our open border. Meanwhile, Democrats claimed there is no evidence, calling the impeachment proceedings a “sham” and a “political stunt,” while attempting to say Mayorkas is doing a great job!

More than 11 million illegals, who are mainly military-age males and include many known or suspected terrorists, have invaded the US on Joe Biden’s watch. More than 300,000 illegal aliens crossed over the US border in December alone, according to Customs and Border Protection. And these are just the number they’re admitting to. It is likely FAR more.

Seventeen illegals who are on the FBI’s terror watchlist were encountered in November alone, according to data from Customs and Border Protection. How many more have slipped through the cracks with the other 11 million illegal aliens?

Mayorkas is doing a great job… at leaving our homeland vulnerable.

Democrat Ranking Member Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, while reading off a script provided to members of the media, claimed that there is “absolutely no basis” for Mayorkas’ impeachment. He continued, “The facts show Secretary Mayorkas is doing his job across all the department’s many critical homeland security missions, including border security and immigration enforcement.”

The Committee on Homeland Security will hold another hearing next Thursday, titled “Voices for the Victims: The Heartbreaking Reality of the Mayorkas Border Crisis.”

After the nearly five-hour-long hearing, Bailey spoke to The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson to share more on the issues in his state and why he believes DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas must be impeached.

CONRADSON: Talk about the biggest dangers you’re seeing coming from our southern border right now.

BAILEY: Well, it’s got to be fentanyl and human trafficking. Missouri suddenly ranks fourth in the most incidents of human trafficking. In a single year, we had 1,100 known reports of human trafficking through our state, and additionally, 1,500 fentanyl overdose deaths, 43 children in one year who died from an accidental exposure to fentanyl. So, these are crises of historic proportion, and they’re directly attributable to the disastrous chaos at the southern southern border.

CONRADSON: They’re leaving the border wide open. To me, it doesn’t even seem like an accident. It doesn’t seem like incompetence. What do you think this is? Is it an intentional collapse for our country?

BAILEY: Yeah, it’s absolutely an intentional behavior on the part of the Secretary to undermine the rule of law by perverting the plain text of the law, to fling the doors wide open, and allow in who would otherwise be illegal criminal aliens. I would also point out that he is subverting the constitutional authority of the Congress by refusing to use the money appropriated in fiscal year 2020 for new barrier construction. That’s a command from Congress in the appropriations bill. He hasn’t spent a dime of that money. We’ve had to take him to court over that issue. And again, that shows a flagrant disregard for the law. And at some point, this establishes that he has abdicated his official responsibility which is an impeachable offense.

CONRADSON: What do you think of this Democrat on the committee, Bennie Thompson he says that there’s “no basis” for an impeachment. It’s a “sham impeachment,” a “political stunt.” “Mayorkas is doing his job across all the Department’s many critical homeland security missions, including border security and immigration enforcement.” What the hell is he talking about? Is he hanging out Hunter Biden too much and smoking crack?

BAILEY: It’s definitely a cavalier attitude that I think is disrespectful to the victims who are suffering, the victims whose children have died because of exposure to fentanyl, whose loved ones have died, and the victims of human trafficking. And I think that’s an incredibly Cavalier and disrespectful attitude to those victims from this chaotic disaster.

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