Feds Tried To Break This J6 Hostage. He’s Got An Inspiring Message For Them About God Every American Needs To Hear.
Days after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Zachary Rehl — the Marine Corps veteran, former Proud Boys Philadelphia chapter leader, and Jan.
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Days after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Zachary Rehl — the Marine Corps veteran, former Proud Boys Philadelphia chapter leader, and Jan. 6 political hostage serving a 15-year sentence for wrongthink, sent The Gateway Pundit a message for the wicked globalists who prey on America’s downfall and would like to dance the former president’s grave.

Perhaps, after the feds raided Rehl’s home in a pre-dawn raid dragging him out of the arms of his six-month pregnant wife, they would have allowed him to return home if he disavowed his the feds would have allowed him to return home to his pregnant wife if only he disavowed his support of Trump.

His co-defendant Enrique Tarrio could have complied with prosecutors when “they asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him.”

“The truth is, I could have been home,” Tarrio exclusively told TGP after being handed a 22-year sentence. “I could have been home a long time ago. I could be in my warm-ass bed right now, laughing at the world, without a problem…and all I had to do in order to do that WAS LIE ABOUT TRUMP. All I had to do was confirm a lie.”

Some cower and toe the line amid a demonic coup de’ etat of the United States of authoritarian rule.

Others would rather die than bend the knee.

“Hold the line,” is now permanently etched across Rehl’s right arm, alongside legitimate commander-in-chief President Trump and the star-spangled banner.

Rehl recently had his first visit with his family in over a year at FCI Petersburg, during which he was permitted to hold his now 3-year-old daughter for the second time in her life.

His wife Amanda sent TGP a photo of the political hostage from the medium-security prison.

As the upcoming presidential election looms in 95 days, the J6er, who has been given one of the lengthiest sentences of the 1,500 defendants being persecuted by the Justice Department for protesting, faces the prospects of a 2039 release or a pardon guaranteed by the GOP contender come Nov. 3, pending the results.

The tattoo is a reminder to all Americans going through hard times who is running the show: God, Rehl exclusively told TGP in an email from prison.

 Trump getting shot, wow…

My freedom flashed before my eyes, but God was there watching over him and ensured the evil didn’t prevail.

His response after getting shot was memorable and inspirational and exactly why I got this tattoo.

I got the tat to be inspiration to other people who may be in a bind, or similar situations to myself, or any situation at all, who need something to look to for that motivation.

For that strength to get up when knocked down, because no matter how bad things can get, if you continue to have faith and continue to fight, you will win.

President Trump is that motivation, he motivates me every single day I’m here.

In some of my hardest days, I think about how he has had every single arrow slung in his direction, and now even bullets, and yet he still stands up in defiance in the name of freedom and liberty for all Americans.

He always says they are after our freedoms and he is in their way.

That couldn’t be proven to be more true just recently when the shooting incident happened.

This tattoo is a picture of his mug shot, which will go down as one of the most iconic photos in US history, and something I proudly share with him as well.

I found an American flag to drape behind him, because no one is more patriotic and proud of being an American than President Trump.

Lastly, I chose the words “Hold the Line” on the bottom because it means to keep fighting and that’s something he has continued to do in the face of everything they have thrown in his direction.

I am not a tattoo person, I don’t get many at all, I got this in jail by an artist using unique tattooing techniques, but I couldn’t be prouder to have put this tattoo on my arm.

President Trump is everything I look up to as a leader, a man, as a living form of inspiration, and I hope this tattoo can help give others inspiration as well.

No matter what happens to me, I will be fine, I know I will. I have faith, I have strength, and soon we will have President Trump back in office Making America Great Again!

The dirty Justice Department has done everything to destroy Rehl and his family, committing an act of “sedition” at the Save America rally on Jan. 6, 2021.

His actual crime that fateful day? Walking onto the restricted grounds of the Capitol fortified with flimsy bike racks and only a handful of police officers during the “First Breach.” He was shot in the head as police indiscriminately assaulted, gassed, bombed, and shot demonstrators with less-than-lethal munitions, igniting the moderately peaceful protest into a deadly riot.

He then walked through the Capitol building for approximately 12 minutes and then left the Capitol grounds.

For that, the anti-American globalists at the helm of the Justice Department seized the opportunity to annihilate political opposition by making an example of “Trump’s footsoldiers” with sinister misuses of the law.


Rehl was found guilty of Conspiracy, Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting, Destruction of Government Property and Aiding and Abetting, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds and was revoked of his military service immediately upon conviction.

His wife Amanda is also on edge about how the Treasury Department will collect the nearly $100,000 tab, she does not have, that the Department of Veterans Affairs is demanding Zach pay back in military benefits he received after Jan. 6, 2021.

Marine Vet Zach Rehl Ordered To PAY BACK Nearly $100k In Military Benefits While Serving 15-Year Prison Sentence for Wrong Think

*** Please Support Zachary Rehl's legal battles and family here. ****

The post Feds Tried To Break This J6 Hostage. He’s Got An Inspiring Message For Them About God Every American Needs To Hear. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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