Find the Fed: Here’s Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed “Nazis” at Gathering in Florida …UPDATE: One Nazi Identified
The feds were out marching again today.

The feds were out marching again today.

This time the marching “Nazis” made a stop in Florida.

Who’s this guy?
He appears to be one of the only “Nazis” who will show his face.

And who is the tattooed guy behind him.

He shouldn’t be too hard to identify.


The feds REALLY wanted to put on an impressive display for their handlers.

Don’t buy it.

UPDATE: One of the Nazis is a Ukrainian soldier. Shouldn’t he be fighing Russia on the eastern front?

The post Find the Fed: Here’s Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed “Nazis” at Gathering in Florida …UPDATE: One Nazi Identified appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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