Former German Spy-Chief Maassen Formed a Rightwing, Anti-Immigration Party – So His Former Agency Is Spying on Him
After maintaining the same political party structure for years, in the last decade Germany has been rocked by new players shuffling the game and opening new options for the highly disenchanted voters.

After maintaining the same political party structure for years, in the last decade Germany has been rocked by new players shuffling the game and opening new options for the highly disenchanted voters.

Now, word comes of a conservative offshoot of the CDU led by a former spymaster. One may ask themselves if this is just a ploy to steal votes from skyrocketing right wingers from Alternative for Germany (AfD) – but in this case it does seem like a real thing is happening.

Hans-Georg Maassen was the head of German domestic intelligence agency BfV (equivalent of British MI5 or American FBI) under über globalist Angela Merkel – which is certainly not a great calling card for a conservative.

But, in 2018, Maassen was dismissed as BfV head after minimizing the threat of Right-wing violence in an eastern German city.

Since he left the agency. Maassen has indulged in what MSM calls ‘increasingly radical commentary on the threat he claims immigration poses to Germany’ – meaning: he started to tell the common sense truths about the destruction of German society due to unchecked mass migration.

This led to Maassen becoming a celebrated figure in the German right.

Telegraph reported:

“’Germany is clearly afraid of me’, Mr. Maassen said on Twitter, adding that the country was using the internal security agency to monitor him and the party he has founded.

Mr Maassen published a letter from the BfV, sent in response to a Freedom of Information request by his lawyer, confirming that he featured extensively in their databases tracking extremists.

The BfV, Germany’s equivalent of MI5, has gathered more than 20 pages of allegedly questionable constitutional statements by their former boss.”

Read more:

Germany Turns Right: Conservative Faction of Christian Democratic Union Decides To Form New Rightwing Party – Against Immigration, Open To Working With Surging AfD

Next in the line of perceived ‘offenses’, the former spymaster met leading members of AfD, and advised them on ‘how to avoid observation by his own former agency’.

“Mr Maassen resigned his CDU membership a few days ago, posting a picture of his membership card cut up, and declaring that the conservative opposition party was ‘committed to a neo-socialist society that has the potential to slide into totalitarianism’.”

Maassen was elected as chairman of the ‘Values Union’, a former fringe group within the CDU that is now running as an independent party. It has been said that this new party would go into coalition with the AfD.

Next in the line of perceived ‘offenses’, the former spymaster met leading members of AfD, and advised them on ‘how to avoid observation by his own former agency’.

“Mr Maassen resigned his CDU membership a few days ago, posting a picture of his membership card cut up, and declaring that the conservative opposition party was ‘committed to a neo-socialist society that has the potential to slide into totalitarianism’.”

Maassen was elected as chairman of the ‘Values Union’, a former fringe group within the CDU that is now running as an independent party. It has been said that this new party would go into coalition with the AfD.

Reuters reported:

Asked about surveillance of Maassen, the BfV said privacy law meant it could not comment on individual cases. But Maassen published on his website a letter from the BfV, sent in response to a Freedom of Information request by his lawyer, confirming that he featured extensively in their databases tracking extremists.”

Read more:

Germany Turns Right: Conservative Faction of Christian Democratic Union Decides To Form New Rightwing Party – Against Immigration, Open To Working With Surging AfD




The post Former German Spy-Chief Maassen Formed a Rightwing, Anti-Immigration Party – So His Former Agency Is Spying on Him appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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