Former Iowa Congressman Steve King Endorses Vivek Ramaswamy for President (VIDEO)
Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy received a significant endorsement from Former Iowa Congressman Steve King.
Credit: @SteveKingIA/X

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy received a significant endorsement from Former Iowa Congressman Steve King. The endorsement was given as Ramaswamy aims to stake his claim in the upcoming Iowa caucuses.

Steve King previously represented Iowa’s 4th District for nine terms. Despite being voted out of office in 2020 and losing his committee assignments over comments that the far-left New York Times and fellow lawmakers called offensive, King remains a recognized voice among certain conservative circles in Iowa.

In his endorsement, King praised the presidential hopeful’s intellect and principles, endorsing him as “wicked smart and principled.” He further added that Ramaswamy is an ideal candidate to uphold and refurbish the so-called ‘Pillars of American Exceptionalism.’

In his video, King said, “I’m Congressman Steve King. I’ve been looking for the strongest voice we have that’ll defend our constitution and restore the pillars of American exceptionalism. That’s Vivek Ramaswamy. Vivek is going to stand up and is standing up for the rights of We the People. He will build the wall on the border for real. And I’m asking you to come with me on January 15 Caucus for Vivek Ramaswamy. The strongest voice we have to defend our constitution and to reestablish America’s destiny is Vivek Ramaswamy.”

In a statement to Politico, King added, “Vivek Ramaswamy is going to shock the world at the Iowa caucus because he is the only candidate in this race who’s had the courage to oppose the CO2 pipelines here in Iowa, to publicly oppose the climate change cult, to commit to pardon peaceful Jan 6 protestors on day 1, and to end birthright citizenship for kids of illegals in this country.”

King’s endorsement comes after Ramaswamy visited Iowa’s 99 counties twice in a single year.

During Ramaswamy’s visit to Scott County, Iowa, on Tuesday, a reporter asked him about addressing the alleged racist remarks made by Steve King. Vivek firmly responded, emphasizing that he does not consider the New York Times as an ultimate authority, akin to the Bible, in determining the truth of such allegations.

“Whether he actually ever said that to the New York Times, they have not produced one recording of it. And if anybody has provided one other eyewitness account that verifies whatever it is, I’m just not one of these people that treat the New York Times as the Bible. I’m sorry. It’s not. They’ve lied to us for years about everything…” Vivek said.


It can be recalled that the far-left news outlet interviewed former Rep. Steve King and reported that Steve was an advocate for white supremacy. Reporter Trip Gabriel published the hit piece titled, “Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics.”

This quote by Rep. King is what got the most attention. According to reporter Gabriel, Steve reportedly said,

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” Mr. King said. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

King was lambasted by the media and political class for defending “white supremacy.” Democrats called to remove him from all congressional committees. Republican lawmakers discussed the possibility of disciplinary action. And, of course, Trump-hating Republicans immediately called for Steve to be censured.

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Steve asserted that the accusations by the media were outrageous and simply incorrect.

One of my quotes in a New York Times story has been completely mischaracterized. Here’s the context I believe accurately reflects my statement.

In a 56 minute interview, we discussed the changing use of language in political discourse. We discussed the worn out label “racist” and my observation that other slanderous labels have been increasingly assigned to Conservatives by the Left, who injected into our current political dialog such terms as Nazi, Fascist, “ White Nationalist, White Supremacist,— Western Civilization, how did THAT language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”…just to watch Western Civilization become a derogatory term in political discourse today. Clearly, I was only referencing Western Civilization classes. No one ever sat in a class listening to the merits of white nationalism and white supremacy.

When I used the word “THAT” it was in reference ONLY to Western Civilization and NOT to any previously stated evil ideology ALL of which I have denounced.

My record as a vocal advocate for Western Civilization is nearly as full as my record in defense of Freedom of Speech.

The post Former Iowa Congressman Steve King Endorses Vivek Ramaswamy for President (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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