FOUR YEARS OF PAIN: Price of a Gallon of Gas Today is DOUBLE What It was 4 Years Ago Under Trump
Gas prices continue to climb in the US under Joe Biden.

Gas prices continue to climb in the US under Joe Biden.

If you feel squeezed, it may be because gas prices are double today what they were under President Trump four years ago.
Via Vince Langman and Catturd2.

It’s true.

Four years ago, during the Trump years, the average price for a gallon of gas in the US was $1.80.

Today, under Joe Biden, the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3.61.

Via Gas Buddy with TGP text.

The post FOUR YEARS OF PAIN: Price of a Gallon of Gas Today is DOUBLE What It was 4 Years Ago Under Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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