“Free The J6 Hostages, NOW!!!” – Trump Reacts to Violent Pro-Hamas Protesters Trying to Breach White House, Slams “LameStream Media”
President Trump on Monday slammed the mainstream media for their lack of coverage on leftist DC rioters who attempted to storm the White House on Saturday and called on the federal government to “Free the J6 Hostages, NOW!!!” Over 1,200 people have been charged with federal crimes for protesting the stolen 2020 election that day.

President Trump on Monday slammed the mainstream media for their lack of coverage on leftist DC rioters who attempted to storm the White House on Saturday and called on the federal government to “Free the J6 Hostages, NOW!!!”

Over 1,200 people have been charged with federal crimes for protesting the stolen 2020 election that day. Many were simply wandering around the Capitol accompanied by police officers, whom they posed no threat to.

And it continues…

Matthew Graves, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, held a press conference on the third anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest to announce that the DOJ is now going to target THOUSANDS more Americans who were around the Capitol on January 6 – but did not enter the building.

The media, “which is merely a subsidiary of the Democrat Party,” said Trump, cheers on the arrest of these peaceful Americans as they ignore the countless leftists who are typically violent when “protesting.”

Recall that far-left Communist News Network (CNN) reported on the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020, which caused billions of dollars of damage to American cities and businesses, calling them “fiery but mostly peaceful.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters surrounded the White House Saturday night and attempted to breach the security fencing outside the executive mansion. The threat to national security prompted Secret Service agents and DC police in riot gear to rush to the scene. 

HAPPENING NOW… Pro-Palestine Protesters Try to Breach White House, Violently Shake Security Fence (VIDEO)

Following the violent mob of rioters storming the White House gates, Trump slammed the Biden Regime, saying, “No arrests, no nothing.”

TRUMP: So interesting to watch anti-Israel protesters violently demonstrating at the While House, getting close to tearing down the fences that protect the President, and NOTHING is even mentioned about it in the LameStream Media, which is merely a subsidiary of the Democrat Party. No arrests, no nothing. Free the J6 Hostages, NOW!!!

President Trump made similar remarks while speaking in Iowa on the third anniversary of the January 6 protest in DC.

“Release the J6 hostages, Joe,” Trump said, drawing huge applause from the crowd. “Release them, Joe.”

The post “Free The J6 Hostages, NOW!!!” – Trump Reacts to Violent Pro-Hamas Protesters Trying to Breach White House, Slams “LameStream Media” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.




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