George Conway Mocks Trump With ‘Psycho’ Billboard Placed Near Mar-A-Lago
Attorney George Conway is boasting about erecting a billboard in Florida deriding Donald Trump as a “psycho,” urging people to vote for Joe Biden over the former president.

Attorney George Conway is boasting about erecting a billboard in Florida deriding Donald Trump as a “psycho,” urging people to vote for Joe Biden over the former president.

Conway, whose former wife once worked for Trump, said he placed the billboard on Interstate 95 along West Palm Beach near Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida residence.

“So, just for kicks, I put up a billboard a few miles south of Palm Beach on I-95 South, perfect for anyone happening to travel from Mar-a-Lago to Doral to, say, play golf. Right around Exist 64, I believe,” Conway announced on X Thursday. “They’re going to send me better photos later.”

Conway’s tweet includes a photograph of the billboard which states in large white lettering, “Vote for Joe not the psycho,” and a screenshot of a map showcasing the billboard’s location.


Conway also shared a video of the sign.

“Turn the sound up,” he tweeted alongside the recording. “I think the chirping birds add a nice touch, don’t you?”

The attorney was previously married to former Trump White Hosue advisor Kellyanne Conway for decades. The pair divorced last year.

While gloating to MSNBC about the billboard he decided to put up, Conway said the MAD Dog Pac, a group that has placed anti-Trump signs across the nation, inspired him to create the Biden ad.

“I’d been making some hats [with the slogan],” he said. “Kind of like the MAGA hats, except blue and white. This was a perfect location and I hope [Trump] sees it. And I hope it amuses him as much as it amuses me.”

He also warned the Republican Party has become a “cult” comprised of members who have “lost it” under Trump’s leadership.

“The person who has really lost it the most is Donald Trump, I mean, he’s the crazy one,” he said. “As Nikki Haley pointed out when she was telling the truth for a couple of weeks in the spring… he’s mentally unstable and he’s getting worse. I mean this guy, he is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”

Trump 2024 campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung shot back blasting Conway for posting the billboard and devoting himself to attacking Trump.

“George Conway is a loser who clearly has some serious mental issues that he needs to address,” Cheung said.

Conway announced in April that he was donating $929,600 to Biden’s reelection campaign, the maximum amount. He then went on a tirade on CNN, arguing Trump and the GOP are “anti-American” and a “personality cult.”

“One of the things that attracted people to the Republican Party in 60s, 70s, and 80s was a feeling that the left had become anti, anti-American,” he told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “Right now, the people who are anti-American, other Marjorie Taylor Greene’s with the world and the people in the House of Representatives who were basically voting against who are voting and men trying to block aid to American allies because they want to help Donald Trump create an issue for the campaign.

“It doesn’t even make any sense and — it’s just I mean, this man, four years ago I voted in my tenth presidential election and for the first time, cast the vote for the Democrat, first time, first time out of ten. And I did that because I felt that Donald Trump was a threat to the country, a threat to democracy,” 0Conway added, “He doesn’t care a whit about the country. He doesn’t care a whit about the Constitution, about the rule of law and he wants to undermine the country and its rule of law for his own political purposes and that was before January 6.”

The post George Conway Mocks Trump With ‘Psycho’ Billboard Placed Near Mar-A-Lago appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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