Georgia Defendant Harrison Floyd Catches Fani Willis in a New Crime! – Gives Her Until Monday Afternoon to Recuse Herself From RICO Case or Face Charges!
Harrison Floyd, former leader of Black Voices for Trump and a defendant in Fani Willis’s lawfare suit against President Trump and his associates, caught Fulton County District Attorney committing another crime.
Harrison Floyd, Marine veteran and leader of Black Voices for Trump.

Harrison Floyd, former leader of Black Voices for Trump and a defendant in Fani Willis’s lawfare suit against President Trump and his associates, caught Fulton County District Attorney committing another crime.

It is already widely known that Willis committed perjury when lying in court about the length of her affair with her lead prosecutor on the case, Nathan Wade. Both Willis and Wade lied about when their affair started in order to cover up that she hired him not on his talent or legal mind but because she could then work with the traffic attorney and pay him for his services in the Trump RICO case.

Wade was forced to resign from the case for committing the exact same crimes as his lover who is still overseeing the case against the former president. The legacy media has completely ignored Fani’s lawlessness as they cover this charade.

Now Harrison Floyd has caught Willis in another criminal act. Floyd alleged Willis illegally recorded a telephone call with his attorney in an unrelated criminal case in Maryland. Maryland is a two-party state, meaning both parties in an electronic discussion must give their permission to record the conversation.

Harrison Floyd pointed this out last week in his threat to Fani Willis.

Harrison wrote: “I don’t want to put a black woman in Jail. But if @FaniforDA (Fani Willis) does not recuse herself from this case by noon on Monday, I may have no other choice than to pursue all lawful remedies.
Make Fulton Great Again

Floyd included a copy of the state wiretap law that shows Maryland is a two-party state. Breaking this law could result in up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine or both.

And Willis and her staff were stupid enough to admit they recorded the call in an article at the far-left Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Harrison Floyd is the only one of the RICO defendants to spend time in prison after his arrest.
Now it may be Fani’s turn.

UPDATE: Harrison Floyd released a statement on Monday afternoon. He has not made a decision yet on whether to file suit against the crooked DA.

Harrison Floyd: Last week, my attorney and I made it public that district Attorney Willis very likely violated the Maryland Wiretapping Act, which is a felony here in Maryland. As far as we are aware, DA Willis did not have a warrant, and the call was not made in furtherance of law enforcement because I was already in custody. She simply broke the law.

The truth is, DA Willis did not like the public backlash she was receiving, and over the course of multiple calls, she tried to find a way out of the mess that she created. She also made the claim that I denied a consent bond, which is a lie. The truth is simple and quite frankly, sad. DA Willis is blinded by her upbringing, which was deeply rooted in radical progressive ideology and racism. She has no problem weaponizing her skin or her office to further its aims. While my skin is also black, DA Willis identifies me as white and views me as a defender of white supremacist due to my political beliefs. Deep down, she wants to make me pay for what she feels is a betrayal to black culture. Her words and actions consistently demonstrate a hate for white people and a need to make this case about race.

She has disrespected Judge McCathy and defense attorneys because of the color of their skin. It’s racist and it’s wrong. After my attorneys finish working on the appeal Judge McCathy granted, we will bring a motion asking the court to exercise its judicial power on equal protection grounds because racism in any form is wrong. I, along with a lot of you, would like a speedy resolution.

However, this is more than likely going to take time due to the district attorney’s unprofessional, overly aggressive, and untruthful nature. Let me be clear that this is not an effort to delay justice or attack the district attorney because of her race or sex. It’s because she actually broke the law in the same manner she’s falsely accusing me of. Thank you, and I will see you back in Georgia.

The post Georgia Defendant Harrison Floyd Catches Fani Willis in a New Crime! – Gives Her Until Monday Afternoon to Recuse Herself From RICO Case or Face Charges! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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