Georgian Mass Protests: USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution
The ongoing season of protests in Georgia shows us once again the workings of a ‘Color Revolution’ in motion, where the US Intel Community and Globalist NGOs join efforts to topple unfriendly regimes, or at the very least strong-arm them into compliance with the planetary Globalist agenda.

The ongoing season of protests in Georgia shows us once again the workings of a ‘Color Revolution’ in motion, where the US Intel Community and Globalist NGOs join efforts to topple unfriendly regimes, or at the very least strong-arm them into compliance with the planetary Globalist agenda.

In the case of Georgia, the controversy revolves around the ‘Foreign Agent’ bill – approved in two votes in Parliament, with the last one expected in mid-May.

The objective of the legislation – already tarnished as the ‘Russia Bill’, is to force NGOs and ‘independent’ media to disclose their funding sources if they receive more than 20% of their resources from abroad.

Sure enough, Russia has a law like that – as well as the US and many other countries. In fact, what kind of country would not want to know who funds organizations that interferes in its political landscape?

In Georgia, now, there is a situation where NGOs and ‘independent’ media are staging mass protests against legislation that would make them disclose their Globalist backers.

Now, reports have arisen that show that the Georgian government’s effort to restrict foreign influence through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is more than necessary.

Sputnik reported:

“It has been revealed that the leaders of these protests are politicians and public figures who are bankrolled by NGOs like USAID and the George Soros-funded ‘Civil Society Foundation – Georgia’.

USAID has been operating in Georgia since 1992 and has already handed out more than $1.9 billion in funding.  There are more than 39 ongoing projects supported by USAID “with a total value of approximately $373 million, and an annual budget of more than $70 million.”

USAID has long been widely considered to be a front for the Central Intelligence Agency. Through IREX, it is implementing the ‘Georgian Media Partnership Program’.

A whole range of opposition media outlets are financed by this program: TV Pirveli, Radio Marneuli, Formula TV, and Mtavari Arkhi.

And that’s not all. The ‘Civil Society Foundation – Georgia’, which was set up by Globalist super-villain George Soros, keeps urging people to flock to the mass protests through its official website.

“The ‘Civil Society Foundation’ has been operating in Georgia for approximately 30 years “promoting and developing civil society in Georgia”. The foundation claims to have poured more than USD 100 mln into “the development of an open and democratic society in Georgia.”

The Civil Society Foundation – Georgia also backs Nika Gvaramia, who is the founder of Mtavari Arkhi (a media outlet) and has recently assumed the role of leader of the ‘Ahali’ party, which is actively participating in the ongoing protests.”

Apparently, if a country wants to be a part of the ‘European’ landscape of nations and integrate with the west, it has to be willing to be freely infiltrated by foreign interests, and it better not want to get informed about which interests are mobilizing people against them.

Read more:

COLOR REVOLUTION IN GEORGIA: Globalist NGOs Foment Mass Protest Against ‘Foreign Agent Bill’ That Would Mandate Disclosure of Funding Sources of These Same Organizations

The post Georgian Mass Protests: USAID and George Soros Are Pulling the Strings of Color Revolution appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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