Germany’s Failing Coalition Threatens to Enact Weekend Driving Bans to Chase Their Climate Alarmist Goals
The German governing coalition is an unmitigated train wreck, with a grand total of 17% of citizens polled favoring it.
German Transport Minister Volker Wissing.

The German governing coalition is an unmitigated train wreck, with a grand total of 17% of citizens polled favoring it.

Led by Olaf Scholz, the most unpopular Chancellor in recent history, the coalition spends most of the time fighting against itself.

Now, Transport Minister Volker Wissing has attracted backlash from within his own ranks after he ‘threatened’ to impose weekend driving bans in the summer.

The move would be meant to conform to the ‘climate protection law,’ and it’s yet another latest dispute within Berlin’s failing coalition over their climate alarmist obsession with ‘decarburizing.’

Reuters reported:

“Greenhouse emissions of Europe’s biggest economy fell to the lowest level in 70 years in 2023, but the transport sector has been consistently failing to meet its climate targets.

According to the current climate protection law, the ministry responsible for underperforming sectors must launch an immediate program to put them back on track.”

Wissing has resisted introducing such a program for the sector. He says incoming amendments to the ‘climate protection law’ allow the sector to ‘miss its CO2 cuts’ target if Germany’s total emissions target is met.

“The transport ministry said reforming the sector is more challenging than other areas of the economy because it affects people’s everyday lives which cannot be changed quickly.”

The ‘traffic light’ government coalition between the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and pro-business FDP is negotiating the amendments but has not yet reached an agreement.

So Wissing is putting the population against his coalition partners – and he is doing that by actually disclosing out loud what their insane plans are.

Pushing his coalition partners to quickly approve the amendment changes, Wissing said he would have to enforce a ban on driving to meet the current climate law requirements if the amendments do not come into force before mid-July.

“‘A corresponding reduction in traffic performance would only be possible through restrictive measures that are difficult to communicate to the population, such as nationwide and indefinite driving bans on Saturdays and Sundays’, Wissing wrote in a letter dated Thursday to coalition parliamentary group leaders.

The letter was heavily criticized by the coalition partners and environmental groups as irresponsible scaremongering at a time when Germans’ appetite for more green policy has seemed subdued.”

The transport ministry said that the minister’s letter was not a threat, but an opinion that the parliament should ‘live up to its responsibility and agree upon the amendment’.

“‘It is not responsible for a minister to stir up unfounded fears’, Green Party parliamentary group leader Katharina Droege said on Friday, calling on the minister to make sensible suggestions for more climate protection in the sector.”

There is hardly any need for opposition when they are at each other’s throats like that.

The Greens were joined in their criticism by the Social Democrats (SPD) who said that ‘scaremongering through absurd proposals does not help climate protection in the transport sector at all’.

LOOK: FDP party leader and Finance Minister Christian Lindner: supported Wissing’s threat:

Read more:

Failing Badly in the Polls, German Chancellor Scholz May Be Forced To Resign Over His Role in Hamburg’s Biggest Financial Scandal Since WW2

The post Germany’s Failing Coalition Threatens to Enact Weekend Driving Bans to Chase Their Climate Alarmist Goals appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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