Globalist Tusk’s Polish Government Pushes Abortion in Parliament, so the European Union Releases Funds It Withheld From Previous Conservative Administration
When Globalist and Euro-fanatic Donald Tusk was again elected Prime Minister of Poland, it was no secret that he was on a mission to enact all the failed Brussels policies: climate alarmism, unchecked mass migration, LGBT indoctrination… and, of course, abortion.

When Globalist and Euro-fanatic Donald Tusk was again elected Prime Minister of Poland, it was no secret that he was on a mission to enact all the failed Brussels policies: climate alarmism, unchecked mass migration, LGBT indoctrination… and, of course, abortion.

While Tusk is still licking his wounds from the electoral whiplash of seeing the former government party, the Conservative PiS, be the most voted in the local elections, he is nevertheless pressing hard with the ‘mission’ and, as we shall see later in this piece, is beginning to harvest the monetary rewards.

Today, it arises that Poland’s parliament has sent four different bills on liberalizing abortion laws to a special bipartisan committee for consideration.

This signals the cooperation between ruling coalition parties – despite deep divisions over the matter.

Reuters reported:

“‘We promised to stop bickering and we kept our word … We did it out of respect for democracy and concern for the durability of the coalition. Now we leave the fate of these bills in the hands of the committee members’, parliament speaker Szymon Holownia wrote on X after Friday’s vote.”

What Reuters disingenuously calls ‘women’s rights’ are very high on the agenda in Tusk’s Poland.

Under the previous nationalist government, the country enacted a near-total ban on abortion in 2021, ’embedding conservative social values in law during its eight-year rule’.

Now, take a look at how the news agency equates Globalists with ‘moderates’ as they rush to kill babies in the womb.

“Since winning election in October, Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s broad coalition encompassing the moderate left and right has reinstated public funding for in-vitro fertilisation and voted to change rules on access to emergency contraception.

However, the issue of abortion remains divisive, resulting in the three coalition parties presenting four bills on the matter: two allowing terminations without restrictions until 12 weeks of pregnancy and one de-penalising the procedure.

The fourth bill, proposed by Holownia’s Christian democratic Third Way party, reinstates the right to abortion in cases of fetal abnormalities, returning to the situation before a 2020 constitutional court ruling banned such procedures.”

The European Union demands its abortions.

Under present Polish law, abortion is legal only in the case of rape, incest, or a danger to the woman’s health or life.

The four new bills will now be debated by the special parliamentary commission.

But there is a catch: it is widely expected that current President Andrzej Duda, a conservative ally of the former ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, would veto any changes to abortion legislation.

So, as Tusk carries on with the dirty work, Brussels is making sure he feels appreciated.

The European Union has just disbursed 6.3 billion euros (about $6.7 billion) to Poland.

The funds are a part of the 27-nation bloc’s post-pandemic recovery fund, and it’s ‘the biggest single transfer ever to the country.’

Associated Press reported in the way we would expect:

“Poland’s former national conservative government, voted out of power in October, made changes to the judiciary which the EU said violated democratic checks and balances, and so decided to block the money.

The European Commission had said at the time Poland must meet certain “milestones” to guarantee the independence of the judiciary to get the funds. Brussels emphasized that an independent judiciary is vital to respecting the EU’s democratic norms, while some also argue that independent courts boost investors’ confidence in the country’s ability to adjudicate commercial disputes.”

But are the funds connected to the abortion legislation? Am I not making this up? Look at this part of the AP reporting in bold characters and notice the usual euphemisms.

“Poland’s pro-European coalition of three center-left parties led by current Prime Minister Donald Tusk won parliamentary elections and took over in December. It succeeded the nationalist Law and Justice party that had ruled for eight years and introduced changes to the justice system, reproductive rights and the media that put Poland on a collision course with the EU.”

The Commission announced in February that it would start releasing funds, confident in promises by the pro-EU Tusk to restore democratic norms.”

Read more:

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The post Globalist Tusk’s Polish Government Pushes Abortion in Parliament, so the European Union Releases Funds It Withheld From Previous Conservative Administration appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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