GREAT NEWS: Conservative Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz Decides Not to Retire From Congress, Will Run Again
Indiana Republican Rep.

Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz has decided to reverse her decision to retire after her current term and will run for office again.

Spartz, who was born in the former Soviet Union and is a legal immigrant to the United States, is a fierce defender of the Second Amendment and once told Merrick Garland that he reminds her of the KGB.

Spartz is an important voice in the Republican party and her decision is great news for conservatives.

Townhall reports:

GOP Rep Reverses Decision to Retire From Congress

Indiana GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz has decided to reverse her decision to retire from Congress. She will run for reelection, she told Politico.

“I will file this week. The country is too much in trouble,” Spartz told POLITICO on Monday morning.

Spartz continued in a statement later Monday morning, explaining her decision to run for reelection in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District.

“Deciding where your duty lies – family, work, or country, is never an easy task. Earlier last year, I decided to take some time off from running for public office to recharge and spend more time in Indiana with my family. However, looking where we are today, and urged by many of my constituents, I do not believe I would be able to deliver this Congress, with the current failed leadership in Washington, D.C., on the important issues for our nation that I have worked very hard on,” Spartz said.

“As someone who grew up under tyranny, I understand the significance of these challenging times for our Republic, and if my fellow Hoosiers and God decide, I will be honored to continue fighting for them. We must carry on the sacrifice of countless Americans for our liberties and keep the American dream alive for our children,” she continued.

Spartz is one of the few people in Congress who has defended the J6ers.

It is fantastic that she is going to continue to work for the people.

The post GREAT NEWS: Conservative Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz Decides Not to Retire From Congress, Will Run Again appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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