“Hamas and Supporters Are Not Welcome on Native Land!” – Native Americans Come Out in Force – Confront Pro-Hamas Mob at UCLA – Blast Pledge of Allegiance Over Speakers – Beat Drums in Suppor
Well, the Communist left was not expecting this!

Well, the Communist left was not expecting this!

Native Americans came out in force to challenge the pro-Hamas, America-hating Marxists who set up camp on UCLA campus.

Native Americans beat drums and carry signs in support of Israel and Jewish students at UCLA campus.

The Native Americans carried signs warning the Jew-hating Marxists, “Hamas and Supporters Are Not Welcome on Native Land!”

And, right next to that sign, another read, “Jewish Students are welcome on native land.”

Via Cam Higby and Citizen Free Press.

The Native Americans were beating their drums in support of Jewish students.

Then later the counter-protesters and protesters clashed for over an hour on the UCLA campus.

The police were missing.

Summer of Love 2.0: MASS RIOT RAGES FOR HOURS AT UCLA – Protesters vs. Counter-Protesters – Police Absent! – VIDEO

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